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It was all some game now, some cruel twisted game or that's what waylon liked to think. He took comfort in the fact he thought if he just shut his eyes then waited reality would be visible again and he wouldn't be stuck here like some slave. At this point in time waylon was willing to do anything to get away from this hell hole, everything in here seemingly wanted him dead except for of course his 'groom' Eddie. He was pretty sure that the only reason he was alive now was because of Eddie the man who he married not willingly of course but he couldn't change that as much as he wished he could change it all every decision he had made since he got here . The things that happened here where no longer a surprise to waylon but he still found the people around scary, at some points he wished they'd go back to the way they where before he met Eddie, he wished they'd chase him, catch him, kill him do whatever as long as it rid him of his own life or his hated husbands,oh how he'd love that. Then he'd know peace. He wished for the day when someone would finally end it for him at points even wishing that he hadn't have escaped from Eddie the first time at least then he would have bled out like all the other lucky men he had seem in that pile of body's. Every Time he got close to death he got extremely exited so happy that it was finally his time he knew it was wrong but it seemed a lot better then living like he was currently.. But of course it would always be disrupted and ripped away from those sweet cold hands of death taking away that beautiful sense of his final happiness. But of course non of these wishes would come true even he could tell that, meaning he would just have to deal with the dresses, fear and utter disappointment of being trapped in this hell hole with him.

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