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Waylons groom, Eddie stared down at him with an enraged look the rather large knife in his hands didn't help Waylons nerves at all either. Waylon chuckled to himself at how he had been terrified before but had only a slight care for his well being now. "what are you doing sl*t!? Going off to see another person like the wh*re you are?!!" Eddie accused louder then Waylon appreciated as he winced slightly due to the loud voice he was so used to silence or faint screams. He stared up at his groom with an emotionless face, he had gotten good at that one. Eddies insults and accusations where still flying out of his mouth as he moved forward forcing Waylon back into the corner with his own body. Once Waylon was tucked away in the corner blocked from leaving by the large body in front of him, Eddie slammed one of his hands the one not holding the knife into the wall at the side of Waylons head now shouting threats to the smaller male. Eddie grabbed Waylons hair pulling it back rather harshly so that their eyes met while he growled quietly under his breath letting go of Waylons hair "you are mine, my darling" he purred quietly his tone changing all to quickly from threatening to one someone would only describe as flirtatious. Ah just as Waylon wanted him to be. This would give him the opportunity he needed, this was all to easy for Waylon which made it so boring in his mind. Suddenly Waylon felt pressure on his lips and it wasn't until he opened his eyes that he realised his grooms lips where planted on his, as Eddies tongue ran against his bottom lip just begged for an entrance which Waylon allowed as he wouldn't have any say in the matter and it wouldn't matter anyway if he hadn't of. Both of their tongues moved together in a fight for dominance, Waylon had too seem interested for this to work. Allowing Eddie to dominate the kiss, he could tell the iron tinted taste of blood from anywhere it made him shiver slightly against the other. The kiss ended rather abruptly with Eddie gripping his hair once again pulling it harshly to expose his neck. Waylon moaned quietly as Eddie trailed seemingly sweet kisses down his throat, but the sweetness didn't last long as Eddie determined to show what was his, started to suck and bite at Waylons throat leaving a trail of dark marks like his own mark. Eddie bit down hard causing the skin to brake and blood to run down. It wasn't by any means the worse injury Waylon had suffered but it still hurt in a way, he shuttered slightly as Eddie pressed against him pushing him further into the wall of the corner. Eddie gripped Waylons hips pulling him closer to himself. Waylon needing the upper hand, started pushing Eddie away from the corner running his hands up the others shirt. Removing his hands from Eddies shirt he quickly went to work unbuttoning the vest thing (I have no idea what it's called) above his grooms shirt while pulling him down for another 'passionate' kiss. Waylon ran one of his hands down Eddies arm slowly stopping at the knife welding hand. He pushed the knife out of the distracted grooms hand and held it in his own quietly as he pulled back from the kiss his eyes narrowing and in a for of courage he attempted to make a dash to the door, yet a rather large hand around his wrist prevented his escape. A low chuckle escaped Eddie as he stared at Waylon who was staring back with wide eyes "your all the same. All of you wh*res!" Eddie sounded murderous at this point it was enough to make anyone fear but Waylon was use to this. This is other hand which was holding the knife he struck, he slashed the knife across the others arm causing the grip on his wrist to fall. Looking Eddie up and down once more Waylon sliced the knife across his chest not enough to kill the man yet enough to slow the crazed groom. He then walk back towards the open door kicking it open with his foot he turned turning his attention away from the other and taking off down the halls he should be safe through this part he was sure of that. The only thing that made him pause for a second was the broken sounding shout of the groom those words he remembered them well from early "we could have been beautiful darling".
The end? I don't know probably I think it was okay at some parts yeah nice. It's pretty bad in some places also sorry bout that. If you read it up to here well done.

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