Chapter 1

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Year 2,022; Six years have passed since the last vortex from Xenolius to Earth has opened, choosing people at random taken back to the world of darkness.
Ruskin Town, one of the most well known trade posts in Xenolius. Not too many Arcturus lived in this area, considering people would always come and go. So business was quite low nowadays, most people lived in the big cities such as Nikx and Maedon. The population has risen since the last vortex, causing a higher need for more places to live. More shopping stations, more homes, and more economy. Ruskin Town was mainly occupied by Pollux, although there were a couple elderly Arcturus who would offer jobs to the Actidicts who lived locally. Above the Arcturus there, lived their overlord Kasiden Chapel. Many just said "The Kasiden" for short, considering nobody knew The Kasiden's true identity. Any rule broken by a civilian created by The Kasiden, shall face cruel punishment. To keep the people of Ruskin Town protected and guaranteed safety, rules must be followed with no conflict. Although the town was quite vague, and tested their limits. Especially when it came to aggression and keeping peace.

It was quite the humid day, ironic since there wasn't much sun or rain. All the fog coming from trading facilities of The Kasiden's factory somehow thickened up the fresh air. But that didn't stop the passive-aggressive Pollux of Ruskin. Somehow, someway, the citizens always found themselves in some sort of quarrel in the midst of town.
One short man and a tall woman bickered back and forth, arguing and flailing their arms up in the air. The woman wore a jacket with many buckles and clips, along with some goggles and a utility belt. Her gloves were fingerless but outlined with metal, her clothing had random scraps of metal attached anywhere it could be secured. Watches covered her arm with multiple buttons, unknown of what they were capable of. Her hair was blonde and wild, tied back into a ponytail. The open wavy curls are what gave her 'spark' of craziness. Her eyes were like the Earth's blue sky, piercing anything that stood in her way.
The man on the other hand was quite stubby and fat, his buttons on his shirt were almost struggling for dear life. He had a messy untrimmed stubble, his face was also stained with dirt. It almost seemed like he had been rolling around in the dirt earlier, or working in an oil factory.
"You owe me my money! I gave you a two weeks notice, that should've been long enough you piece of scrap metal!" The woman yelled loud enough so people around them could hear their conversation.
"I owe you nothing ya' crazy dingo!" He spat back at her, literally spitting on her.
His cigar bobbed in his mouth every time he moved his lips, scoffing and turning around he began to walk away. "Come back here, coward!" The woman retorted and began to follow him, walking close behind. The man turned around swiftly punching her in the stomach. She jolted and gasped, holding her stomach as another man ran up to them both. "Do you follow the few morals we have here?!" He said as he tried to help the woman, but she pushed him away. "Don't worry sir.." she closed her eyes and smiled. "I got this." The woman sneered and dashed toward the small fellow, kicking one of his leg's tendons. He fell to the ground face first unexpectedly and quickly helped himself back up. A crowd was slowly forming around the two, chatter buzzed around the steam and smoke filled air. Some comments could be heard from muttering Polluxes such as, "It's that crazy inventor going at it again.." Or "that lunatic needs to mind her own business. She has no right to be fighting in our town square!"

"You have some nerve woman!"
The little man sharply responded dusting off his pants. The woman smirked and began to provoke the man.

"To everyone witnessing our disputation, never trust this scumbag! He's a greedy fella whose gonna rip you off your money!" She shouted looking at the crowd around them.

Unaware of the man or what he was doing she was thrown to the ground as he tackled her with his big pot belly, holding her down. "You imbeciles just don't know when to stop, do ya?" He said in an irritated tone holding his cigar in his other hand, rubbing it in her face. "No, we don't." The woman chuckled loudly then pressed a button on one of her watches, triggering thrusters to shoot flames out of her boots. She flew a good couple meters backwards and upwards, landing on the dusty ground as her hand skimmed against the surface. As if she were having one of those cool superhero landings, in the movies. She looked up to the foolish man narrowing her eyes, pressing the button again flying straight towards him. With the energy blasts from her boots her strength had increased as she shoved him into stacked barrels. The crowd watching oohed and awed, as her abilities as an Actidict began to show. She may have been a crazy inventor, but she had skill. Many skills, fighting and self-defense were a couple of them. The woman clenched her fists as her they began to light up, and flames began to illuminate around her fingerless gloves.

"Now you're really in for it!" She threw her head back and laughed, quickly jerking it forwards then punching him in the face. Stomach and arms too, anywhere she could land a hit. The crowd was wild with amusement, it had been awhile since the last beat down this woman had given anyone who dared to press her limits. Or not holding up one of her wagers, something she was notorious for. People whooped and hollered as her fists struck like lightning against the what was now a puny man.
She finished her final strike and took a step backwards, panting heavy as she examined the man laying against the barrels lifelessly with no movement whatsoever. Blood rushed from his face and bruises began to show on his arms. The woman blew off the excess smoke from her gloves as they slowly died down from the flames.
The woman turned around expecting to see the people of Ruskin Town chanting her name. But instead she seemed to find a silent crowd, not one peep from anyone. A tumbleweed rolled passed everyone in the near distance, she didn't know what had hit them to make everyone so quiet.

"Ahem..." a small cough broke the silence. The woman looked down to see a shorter girl looking up at her with arms crossed. This lady had fire like red hair and hazel almost-golden eyes. She had a stern look on her face as she stared dead straight into the taller woman's face. The redhead had a buckled corset with loose medium sleeves, that led down to a skirt. A belt wrapped around her waist that had many holsters for various items. She wore longer gloves that were fingerless, but not decked in watches or random scraps of metal. However, on her head were some leather rustic like goggles.
"Bethany..." the small lady went on to say but was quickly silenced by the taller woman's hand covering her mouth. "Shhh!" The taller one shushed her loudly.
"Wrong name for here remember?!" She tried to whisper to the redhead, but couldn't help being loud. The other girl slapped the taller one's hand off of her mouth and yanked on one of her golden locks, dragging her throughout the town by her hair. Taking her to the town's league hall.

It had seemed the fun for the day had come to an end, for nothing lasts forever.

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