Chapter 7

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The group followed a trail of light that shined a pathway for them.
"Mistake me if I'm wrong, but I think we're only leading ourselves to a bar." Felicity sighed. The virgin had never consumed alcohol. The others on the other hand-
"We are indeed fellow comrade. Don't worry about it. I know somebody here that I think would be a good addition to the team." Besien gloated.
"Since when were we a team?" Mathis squinted toward Besien.
"Since I beat your ass to a pulp." Besien retorted back.
"Can all of you just shut the fuck up? I'm in need for a drink, God." Cevios said with frustration.

They arrived to the tavern that was surrounded by the giant oak trees. When they got there men were boxing it out, kicked out, making out, all of which you could imagine at a low class waterhole. The only light was from the torches outside and the chandeliers inside. They lit up the small spot and pierced the darkness. Loud music could be heard from inside. Old rustic music. Felicity was hesitant going inside. Besien ran in like it was the last plane out of Vietnam, shoving Felicity to the side. Cevios and Mathis stuck together and walked in.
"LEXIS!" Besien screamed out loud. A girl with blue and purple short hair turned around on the bar seat she sat on. She was dressed in a white collared shirt and a black jacket on top of it. Her jeans were black as well as her combat boots. This was Lexington.

Lexis raised an eyebrow to Besien approaching and continued to drink her scotch.

"How do ya do?" Lexis said in a deep groan.

"Damn, you're drunk. Well anyway I need to ask you for a solid."

"I ain' doin' no solids for you hoes."

"Come on you bitch." Besien said as she ordered herself a drink. "You know that competition in Nikx? Well if we win it, we could get some big bucks. We need a team."

"Mmm, nah. Why would I wanna lose my life to some lowlifes? I have all that I need right here. Good ol' alcohol."

Besien rolled her eyes and chugged her drink. "It's gonna be a long night." She sighed and kept the rounds coming.
Felicity on the other hand, well, her night wasn't looking too great. She walked around the tavern, refusing to touch any liquor.

'I don't need drinks to have a good time. I am fine. I don't need anything.' She thought to herself and watched other people drink like mad men. She stood in one spot awkwardly and felt a hand touch her shoulder. Felicity gasped and turned around quickly to an older man with an odd smile. "Hey there, lil' lady." He said with a wink. Her face went pale.
"S-salutations." She squeaked and looked down to the floor.

"Let Papa Charlie buy you a little something."

"I-i don't drink."

"We'll see about that."

'Papa' Charlie took her hand and they walked over to the bar. Felicity squealed and walked with him.

Cevios and Mathis sat together at a table both with beers. "Tch. None of the girls truly know what they're missing." Mathis said as he glared at all the fine ladies in the tavern. "Speak for yourself." Cevios grinned as women fawned over him. He sipped from his beer and flexed his arm doing so. "Yea and what girls want you, dick?" Mathis muttered. Cevios said nothing verbally, but pointed with his eyes in the direction of where the ladies waved and cooed. "Gotcha." Mathis said bluntly and finished his beer.

One hour later. . .

"JOIN MY FUCKING SQUAD, YOU POLYNIGMION!" Besien slammed her fists down on the bar table. Her voice could be heard from every inch of the tavern. She swayed every now and then, but remained up.
"You can't make me do shit." Lexis said coldly with a dark face.
Felicity whimpered and held herself as she stood in the middle of a bunch of middle aged men. "Like I said, I don't...drink."
Mathis stood next to the pianist and watched him play the keys. "Yanno' I could probably play better than you." He chuckled and puffed his chest out, cracking his knuckles.
Cevios sat at a table with a handful of girls wrapped around his arms. He held his swords at the right angles to make them shine perfectly. "I've killed many beasts with these two swords right here. Pectoral slashes to the heart in every monster that's stood in my way." He boasted as the girls all sighed heavily and smiled.

Two hours later . . .

Besien raised a wine barrel above her head and chucked it Lexis' way. Lexis moved her head a few inches to the right and missed it. "Is that the best you got?" She laughed as she stood in front of her friend. "Y-you, you don't even know!" Besien said as she swayed over to one of the chairs and supported herself back up. "I'm-i'm gonna make you pay."
Lexis crosses her arms and heaved a sigh. "Bartender, another drink."

Felicity sat in the middle of a circle of men and cried. Intoxicated? No. Just flustered with emotions. "I appreciate all of your offers- really, but I-I just want to go home." She sobbed in her arms and sniffled. Some of the men stroked her red hair. The ring leader, 'Papa' Charlie held a drink in his hand and a lock of her hair in the other. "Your hair is so gorgeous, girl. Come home with me."
"No. Thank. You." Felicity cried harder and buried her head back into her arms.

Mathis played the piano vibrantly and never missed a key to the song he played. The pianist stood there in shock watching this random man play his instrument. Mathis pressed every key with a hard hand. His touch was pretty intense. He finished his song, stood up, and rocked back and forth. "Now that's, how you play, a damn, piano." With that, Mathis fell over onto the hard wooden floor and passed out.

Cevios, well, was last left off talking about how long his sword was. Then a few minutes last seen making out with one of the girls in a poorly lit, dim hallway. One hand on the girl and one hand with a condom. Priorities. It can be presumed what happened from there.

It was indeed an...'interesting' night for the "team." What was to happen overnight will remain a mystery. Maybe the pictures will pop up at some point. But for now, let's stick to the objective...

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