the list part 2

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I walked into school wearing an off the shoulder tee with ripped jeans and leather fingerless gloves 
i walked to me locker to see Kyli and Justin snogging 
"oh god guys really?"I looked at them as they pulled away and looked back at me 
Kyli laughed and Justin walked off to his locker 
"what do you see in him"I asked Kyli 
"he's  amazin and he louves me for me and he tolerates meh"I laughed and jockinly said
"well that's a first"she laughed
"Oh shut up"we laughed and headed to class
we took our seats and waited 
"Good Mornin boys and giruls of Nightngale High"our princable mrs.Doughtfire came on saying with her heavy Scottish accent  every one laughed and listened to her
I sat with Kyli,Jessie,jane and Justin we talked about stupid stuff and a vision ran throw my head for Justin's death I smiled my tral of thought ended to the sound of some ones voice 
"Hey Bekah"I turned my head and saw Dustin
"Hi Dustin"
"hey can I talk to you ?"I looked at him confused 
"uh sure"I stood up and followed Dustin over to the wall away from everyone
"Bekah I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today at my house after school?"I looked at him
"um"I started as his death vision played throw my mind 
"sure for how long?"he looked at me confused 
"do you have a time you have to be home"he laughed I looked at him seriously then nodded
"Aye"I started  he stopped  laughing and looked at me
"oh"I nodded
"uh I have to be home before sunset"I looked at him and thought if you laugh then I will kill you for sure  
"oh um"he laughed I looked at him huffed and angry sigh then walked away
"wha-what did I do?"Dustin said confused 
"Ha"I heard someone laugh 
"You fucked with the freak"I turned to see Cole laughing I looked at him
"what did you say"I said getting really pissed off he laughed 
"I said you a freak "he laughed again and bite his apple 
'I hope you choke'i thought  he continued eating his apple and laughing and just as I hoped he choked 
he coughed and coughed his face turned red then got redder as he was about to black out and die someone came up and saved him I laughed as he fainted and fell and hit the grounded hard I laughed an evil laugh and said to myself
'Ha this time you escaped but next time there will be no escape only death' I smiled evilishly at my thought and let his death play through my mind and laughed(no one was around her) 
                                                                                                              *Final bell*
"Hey Bekah"I heard Dustin I looked at him queuing him to continue 
"Are we still on?"I looked at him then thought of the vision then nodded 
"sure"I smiled He nodded and smiled
we walked to his car we got in the started to drive dustin turned on the radio and started to sing along I. Laughed at him
i pulled out me phone and was about to text me mum then stopped and looked out the window and the vision played again in me mind I smiled 
we got to his house and no one was home 'perfect'i thought 
dustin showed me around his house then we settled and were watching movies  I let the vision play again then spoke 
"Dustin why did you want me to come over today?"I said sitting next to him he looked at me and smiled 
"because Rebekah.."I cringed at him saying my name
"I fine you beautiful,different and just intriging"he finished he got closer 
"you f-find me in-intriging "I fake stuttered he nodded and next thing I knew his lips were upon mine anger filled me but I kept telling me self 
'it will be over soon ' I let a vision fill me and mentally laugh at it 'he's clueless'i thought he pulled away and smiled I acted as if I liked it and smiled back 
"move this to up stairs?"he asked I nod fakly
"yeah you go up I'm just gonna get some water"he nodded and went up stairs I went I to the kitchen and waited to make sure he was in his room then when I heard his door close i spat a the taste of his lips on mine then got some water and looked around the kitchen I saw the knives and walked over to them and found the pefect one it wasn't the biggest but I was the shrapest I smiled again then hide the knive from view I walked to his room and saw him laying down on his bed he looked  at me and smiled I walked over with a smile on me face and walked over then got on top of him and straddled his waist he smiled then kissed me anger filled me again 'stay calm he'll be gone soon 'I thought to my self  I pulled back and sat up he looked at me and I looked back at him and looked out the widow and sa the moon I looked back at Dustin and evilshly smiled he saw the smile then tensed up I laughed slightly 
"what's wrong Dustin?"I smiled again and looked out the window again 
"I thought you liked that I was different" I looked him in the eyes
"I-I do.."I cut him off
"or was that a lie"I looked at him 
"No Bekah I do like that about you"he smiled and went to kiss me again but I pushed him back and pulled out the knife his eyes opened 
"God Rebekah youre insane"
"Don't call me Rebekah "I said cutting off his shirt and cut one straight line in the middle of his chest and down his stomach he let out a small sigh of pain I laughed
"So Dustin do ya remember me from when we were younger?"his eyes opened wide 
"Rebekah the Bekahed freak" I nod
"now why do ya think I'd be doing this?"
"to get back Rebekah I'm sorry I was a kid"
"to late cant forgive now and don't call me Rebekah"I said stabbing him in the stomach he scream and I muffled it and i laughed 
i pulled the knife out and leaned forward and whispered  into his ear 
"How would you like to DIE :)" his eyes opened wider I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't speak 
"no answer then :)" I looked at the moon and let the night do what it dose to me and slit Dustin's throut 
"it's night looked what it dose" I smiled evilshly and stap his chest the watched his eyes grow wider at the sight of me and the watched his sole leave his body I smile "Bye Dustin "I smiled and laughed I got up toke the knife out of his lifeless body got ride of my finger prints around the house and off his body and ran away back home I got home and locked the door behind me and saw mum sleeping on the cough I ran up stairs and lock my bedroom door and locked myself into the bathroom I looked into the mirror and saw my pouples wide and red I saw pale skin and smiled at the blood all over me I didn't want to change or have a shower I like the blood 
"Rebekah are you in there"I heard mum yelling and panning on the door 
"Aye mum"
"Rebekah it's almost midnight were have you been?"I was walking home when I saw some people following me and I panicked and ran to lose them and found mysel way farther from home so it took me a lot longer to walk back"I said hoping she'd believe me 
"Rebekah open the door now"mum yelled consurned 
"mum no I getting into the shower I fell on my way home and drug all over me and I cut my knee and I just want to wash it off"my mum the only person I'd never hut and I hate lieing to her
"Rebekah open the door now"ok now I'm getting pissed 
"No mum I'll see you in the morning"
"NO Rebekah Open this God Dame door"she yelled
"No mum "I yelled back and I heard her kick the door open and was standing out side the bathroom door 
"Now Rebekah open this door "
"No mum"I yelled remembering the night and looked into the mirror my pouples got wider and redder and my mind started playing death visions and my mind slowly haveing less and less control and next thing I knew I was gripping the knife harder and I slowly starting lossing my vision and lost control of my mind I just knw I wanted to killi needed to kill...

A/N: ok this is somewhat of a kilfe hanger anyway sorry about the spelling and if I may have offered anyone 
o please comment what you think is going to happen next ok so comment like fav follow k byes 
                How Would You Like To DIE? :)                       ~Mystery

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