the break down

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I woke up with blood all over me  and the taste lingering in my mouth  i sat up  with a pain in my leg and head I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see a cut on my head  and a new girl looking back my eyes were Gray with red and black ,my hair longer and pitch black with a strike of blood 
  I looked at my leg to see a gash on my thigh ,looking up blood was all I saw  it was in the sink ,on the walls and in the hallway I walked out ,down the hall till I saw ....
 "MUM!"  I ran over to her 
"mum mum MUM!" I rolled her over she groaned in pain "mum?" 
"This is why you don't go out at night"with that she released her breath and layed limp ,dead in a pool of blood 
I did this I did this  ran through my head 
"I did this " I cryed 
"no no no no No!" I sobbed rocking back and forth praying that she'd wake up 
"mum im sorry mum im sorry " I whispered an apologized
i stood up anger filled me I cleans the house ,my mum and me  ,I made it look like is was an overdose ,I healed the cuts and waited a second 
I looked at her my mum I killed her  I killed her I leaned over and kissed her forehead 
"sorry mum ,goodbye I love you"  I remembered her saying it's not your fault it's your curse  I cried  more 
"This time it is my fault "tears rolled down my eyes and I called 911 
"hello 911 what's your emergancy ?"
"it's -it's my mum she's -she's"I stopped and cried 
"it's ok  now tell me what  happened"
"my mum I found her on her bed with an empty bottle of pills "I stopped 
"ok now where do you live "
"94 Willow st. Nightingale" I hung up I sat on the floor crying "Bye Mum" I said one last time before i left I swore I'd take revenge on those who have done me wrong
"it's time to right the wrongs " i said aloud walking into town .. 

                         *2 weeks later* bekah's P.O.V
10 kills not includeing  my mums not a day goes by  that I don't think of that I miss her but I can't bring her back 
'Caw caw' I look up to see a crow take flight 
i climbed the tree and jumped off caughting it in my hands and landing in the ground I looked at it for a second then ripped off its head 
I can now control the creature 
I have more abilities ,I can jump from tree to tree ,I can brake bone with my bare hands and can change my features to the human eye 
"Why why why"I said punching a tree till it fell over 
"what are you doing? What are you doing here?"
i looked up to see a guy around 18 years old 
"I could ask you the same" he smiled 
"I asked first who are you ?"
"who are you ? " 
"I asked first so tell me your name "
"I don't tell strangers my name till thy tell me theirs first so you tell me your name "he ran his fingers throw his hair with frustration and sighed 
"I'm Ryan and you are " I smiled 
"I'm rhea "I shook his hand  I looked in his eyes to see his pouples  grow large then back to normal 
'Whats his secret ?' I thought 
"so are you going to tell me what your doing here ?" He asked 
"it depends" 
"on what?"
"if you tell me what your doing here" he laughed 
"I live just on the outside of the forest and I heard a sound so I came out to see what it was" and he lies 
"so what are you doing out here?"
" Cutting down trees for fire wood " he laughed
"really ? Well I can see that " he pointed to the fallen tree
"ha yup"
"I should get going"he said 
"yup some things could happen on a full moon "
he looked at me 
"if you want you could come with me just incase something dose happen"
"no I have to cut down more trees"I lied 
He turned and left I looked at the tree and started punching it again then another voice called out 
"hey you ,you can't be out here"I turned to the man an ran as my eyes grow red I hit the man so fast he didn't even have anytime to scream ,I held his throat in my hand and ripped out his heart  I sniffed it 
"your heart is rotten" I said in the creatures voice demonic inhuman and "man" like 

a/n sorry I have not been updating but more chapters are coming soon k thanks sorry about the spelling luv ya'll bye

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