I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

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The beginning of winter has just entered the Gaskarth’s household. Which means Alex is now decorating the living room. Christmas trees being put up beside the fireplace and over sized socks hanged over it.

Alex Gaskarth was no fan of Christmas, no. He was a bitter man himself. Everyone has their stories to tell and Alex has his own.

Six years ago, his wife left him on the exact same night of Christmas. It was cold and dark but the streets were illuminated by the neighbor’s poorly chosen Christmas lights. It was a bitter fight, consisting of Alex coming out of the closet and his wife’s affair. It was a disastrous break up, to say the least and there’s only one thing keeping Alex sane. His son, William.

Alex adopted William when the kid was only ten, William’s parents were mugged and murdered when he was eight, only to be found by the Sister that built the orphanage he was in, and Alex’s heart broke when he heard the boy’s story. No one should suffer that misery, especially a young boy.

The man’s head shot up when he heard the front door open and close revealing a rosy cheeked William, escorted by a young boy who’s much taller than his own son. The boy was skinny and lanky with a lopsided smile and almond-shaped brown eyes, his cheeks were tinted pink from the temperature outside, and he was wearing a Santa Claus costume.

Alex quickly remembered that William came from a Christmas Party 5 blocks away from their house. He most definitely didn’t expect his son to drag a stranger in his home, but seeing as Alex was well educated and mature enough not to be rude, he greeted the pair.

“Will, I didn’t expect you to be home this early? And who’s this?” Alex said as he stood up straight and walked over to his son and the Santa-suited stranger.

“This is my boyfriend, Jack.” William said with a cheeky grin and that glint of love in his eyes. “And Jack, this is Alex, my dad.” He continued as he looked at Jack, encouraging him to shake his father’s hands for a much more formal introduction.

Jack reached a hand out in front of him, shaking slightly from the zero degrees temperature outside, also because of the nerves. The stranger never expected the family meeting, already? They were dating only for two weeks and Jack wasn’t even serious about the kid. Not to mention he’s been half-hard since the party because some hot guy he was dancing with grinded the life out of him and groped him, so it was awkward for Jack to meet William’s father with a boner. Understandable, right?

“Babe, I’m just gonna go change upstairs, okay? This costume’s making me itchy.” William said just as Jack let go of Alex’s hands, the brunette’s son kissed Jack and left. Leaving a suspicious Alex and an awkward Jack.

“So, Jack? Where did you and my son met?” Alex faced Jack with his eyes narrowing and with a serious tone.

“I..I used to be.. i-in his class. But I w-was a senior. And he was a s-sophomore. So..” the younger of the two stuttered. Looking everywhere but Alex, standing so awkward in front of the man], eyeing his toned physic Jack could feel the fathers eyes on him, they stayed eyes roaming each other’s bodies for a few seconds before Alex coughed snapping the younger out of his trance.

"I-Im gonna go check o-on Will." Jack murmured out as he paced up the stairs, blood rising to his half hard cock as he approached the top of the stairs. Opening Will's door to find him all ready for a night in with Jack.

"Hey Jack, do you need to get changed somewhere? I know those clothes are probably uncomfortable, I could help you, if you wanted?" Will said in a suggestive tone, but much to his dismay, Jack refused the offer and kindly grabbed the clothes he left at Will's before the party and headed to the bathroom to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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