Rhode Island Comic-Con

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So, uh today I went to Comic-Con! I was gonna go yesterday and my mom screwed it up, but at least we got the tickets for Sunday! Sadly my friend couldn't go both days and my other friend, Razor_Midnight , couldn't go today since her family was coming or something I think, I kinda forgot..eh.
But uh yea, got some art, some plushies from neko atsume and a Galceon. I also kinda wanted to meet Nostalgia Critic, but I didn't see him at his booth-table thing whatever it is lol. Still fun tho!

My feet still ache qwq
Rip feet: All the other days of my life- today

I also got some soap from Lush lol.

And uh Razor_Midnight I got u a present since u couldn't go owo

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