Chapter 1

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yes ik i am a horrible person for ignoring my account but i got into a shit load of trouble at school and when i looked on her this story had over 130 reads so i flipped so here i am, as promised with chapter one and, as you may have noticed i have changed the main character's name to Aria because i like that a lot better then what it originally was


James POV

I was walking through the main hallway of my high school with my best friends on the first day happy to finally be a senior, they do get all the privileges after all.

Kendall and Dustin were talking about a new band that people seemed to be pretty stoked about, while Carlos and Logan were comparing schedules since Logan had been away all summer and had not been able to see if he had classes with any of us.

I had put all of my focus into finding a locker with the number that matched the one on my schedule, after about 5 minutes i found it and made my way over so i could unload some of the crap in my bag.

When i finally got to the locker i noticed a girl standing at the one next to mine, trying to get it then mumbling curses under her breath when she failed. I smiled to myself remembering the difficulty i had opening these lockers on the first day, they are old and get stuck a lot

"need help?" i asked she looked up at me with big bright blue eyes, she was much prettier then i expected, and sighed

"no i need to learn eventually, i will probably get it soon" oh, so blue eyes was British, i could work with that

"these lockers are pretty old and can be extremely difficult to open, let me teach you"

"no, I've got this"

"I'm not leaving until i see that locker open" i smirked at her and she sighed again returning to trying to get her locker open

after a few more tries and frustrated cursing she looked back up at me "fine"

"fine what" i questioned, quirking an eyebrow, I want to see how far i can push this girl

"fine i'll let you help me open my locker"

"are you asking for help? because that did not sound like much of a question"

"Will you help me open my locker?" she asked me a little irritated

"say please"

"ugh, Will you PLEASE help me open my god damned locker?"

i grinned "someone's irritable"

"i was fine before you showed up"

"yeah, well, that's what I'm here for"

"will you just open it up?"

"that's what she said"

"holy shit, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"a lot of things" i laughed "calm down cupcake I'm just messing with you"


"yeah well, i don't know your actual name so i had to come up with a nickname" i laughed unlocking her locker for her

"it's Aria, now you can stop calling me 'Cupcake'"

"Aria" i repeated "that's a really pretty name but i still like cupcake a bit better"

"Jesus Christ" she muttered

i chuckled once more and began to walk away

"wait" she called "i still don't know your name"

"why do you want to know?"

she smiled for the first time since i met her, she truly is gorgeous

"well, you know mine, it's only fair"

"my name is James" and with that i turned and headed to first period

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