Abandoned (a James Maslow Love Story)

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Ok so I got bored one day and thought up this idea for a story about James, so I shared my idea with my AMAZING friend Dakota (who btw will be helping me write this in my story journal) and she LOVED it so I'm gonna write it!!!!!!! it has nothing to do with the band or tv show Big Time Rush, but the Kendall, Logan, Carlos and Dustin will be in it as James' friends. All the guys will be in there Senior year in high school, so they are 17, if not 16 going on 17, and so will the main character. So anyways, the main character's name is Aria Elizabeth Williams


For my entire life I have felt like no one understands me, like everyone just finds me a nuisance, and wants me out of their lives. But I guess that's what happens when you are born the youngest of six children, but I don't think you can call some of my older siblings children anymore. Hell! you can barely call me a child, I mean, I'm 16, but either way that is what i will always be considered, a child.

So moving on, I think i should tell you a little bit about myself before i really get into my story, shall I?

Okay, so my name is Aria Elizabeth Williams, I was born October 31, 1996 in London, England. Something rather unusual about my Birthday is that i was born just as the clock struck midnight and the October day began, But seriously, come on, how cool is it to be born at Midnight on Halloween, pretty amazing right?

My parents names are Xavier and Isabella Williams. And the story with them is a bit odd, but here goes nothing...

For the better part of my life I had an amazing bond with my mother, she was amazing to be around and could always make me laugh. But when I was only ten years old she was murdered and my entire family was devastated, no one knew who did it or why but it happened. I think I took the news of her death the worst, but at a close second was my father.

My dad was never the ideal father, but I loved him anyway, and he loved me- well until my mum died- after the murder he was different, towards everyone really, but mostly toward me. I have come to the conclusion that he has blamed me for my mother's death, why? you ask, how could a ten year old girl be responsible for her mum's death? well I'll tell you how, I was the only one home with my mother, my dad had taken everyone else out for dinner but she was feeling a bit under the weather so i decided i would stay home with her. The only thing i distinctly remember is her tucking me in and telling me she loves me before exiting my bedroom. And the next morning, i heard the news. So since that horrible night my father had made decided i was to blame and barely talked to me for 4 years. He obviously shared his theory with my older siblings because four of them were rather different towards me for those years. But no matter. When i was 14 my father finally snapped, he went out one night and didn't come back, the next morning we found out he had been arrested, I have no clue what he did, and frankly, don't care.

Like I said, 4 of my siblings acted different towards me, the only one who hadn't was my eldest brother Alexander, or Alex, he had always been my favorite sibling. He stuck by me the entire time and when eventually moved me out of england, right before my senior year. Yes away leaving my other siblings behind. The two older that were left were in there twenties, and the younger two were 18 so it didn't matter much.

But either way, Alex is the only person left in my life who still loves me...

I just feel so abandoned...


Okay so first chapter will be James' P.O.V. and I'm so sorry for the incredibly long and boring summary, but i want you to know the character better, so PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! and don't forget to Vote/Comment/Follow and go check out my other story "Running From Love" which is a BTR/1D collab!! anyway love ya BYE!!

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