Luke's POV
"Luke! Lets go! Maria is waiting! With her daughter!" My father yelled at me.
"Yeah yeah! One sec dad!" I yelled back.
I grabed my phone and headphones and walked out of what use to be my room into what use to be my nice, cozy, warm house.
Until my parents decided to get a divorce.
Apparently, my dad cheated on my mom with some girl named Maria, because my mom was cheating on him with some guy named Brad.
I decided to live with my dad because I don't feel like moving to U.S.A.
"Lets go Luke!" My dad said as he put his arm around my neck.
"You'll love Maria! She's amazing!" My dad smiles at me.
I fake smile back.
"Awesome!" I say as I get into his car and drive away from my old home.
Alyssa's POV
I slouched on the couch as I read over mine and Jessica's texts.
Me: Why the hell would you get your mum a freaking cat for xmas?
Jessi :3: Well she loves cats, so, why not!
Me: Your moms gonna be pissed off you know that right?
Jessi :3: Whatevs!
I laughed as I recieved that text.
"They're here!" I heard mum yell.
She ran down the stairs and took a few deep breaths.
"Stop slouching!" My mum whisper snap.
I roll my eyes and sat up still texting Jessica.
I heard the a few knocks on the door.
Mum took a final deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi honey!" A guy in his late 30's around my mum's age smiled and peaked my mum's cheek.
"Hi! This must be Luke!" My mum smiled at the kid standing next to her.
Holy fucking shit!
I kept my eyes on my phone.
"Hey, you must be Maria, right?" Luke says.
"Yes I am! Come in come in!" My mum smiles as they walked in.
"Ah! I see the boxs have arrived already!" Whats his face says.
"Yes they have, but your boxes are already in our room so these are just Luke's boxes. We have a few rooms and I didn't want to be rude and pick on for you." My mum says.
"Thanks." Luke says.
"Oh! And this is Alyssa, my daughter. Alyssa, this is Andrew and Luke." Mum says.
I get up and walk across the room to them.
"Hi I'm Alyssa." I fake smile.
"Andrew." Andrew smiles as he shakes my hand.
"Luke." Luke smiles as he shakes my hand.
"Alyssa." I smile back.
"Um, Alyssa! Why don't you help Luke pick a new room! Me and Andrew will be unpacking his stuff!" Mum suggests.
I shrug.
"Okay." I say as I lead Luke up the stairs.
"Okay! so the first two rooms are avalible, so pick which ever one you want!" I say.
He walks into the first closest room.
"I think this one is to small." He says.
He walks into the other room.
"I like this one better." He says.
I walk into 'his' room.
"I've always loved this room and yet it isn't even mine." I laugh.
"Why didn't you pick this room?" He asks.
I sigh.
"This was my older brother, Alex's room. He left for uni in London a few months ago." I explain.
He nods.
"I have two brothers. Ben and Jack." He says.
"Where are they?" I ask.
"With my mum who are probably in Florida by now." He says.
"Your mum and brothers moved to Florida? Why?" I ask.
He chuckles.
"You ask a lot of questions don't you?" He smirks.
I shrug.
"Just trying to figure out something." I say.
He looked at my confused.
"What would that be?" He asks.
"You. Just wanting to know if I could rely on you." I say as I exit his room probably leaving him confused still.