
18 1 2

I didn't go to school for a week I didn't eat for a week I didn't sleep for a week I didn't feel at all week

I sighed hearing a door open I stayed there I look up seeing Carlos "hey..you haven't been around.." He said I look up staying quiet I was mute again he sighed walking downstairs talking to Reginald

My heart beated fast aching for his hugs and kisses his cuddles I turned on the tv playing a random show

I can't hear anything I put the TV on full level and still nothing I tried talking my throat avhed in pain I winced I walked downstairs

"Ash.. Ashley can you hear me?" Reg said I couldn't hear anything only lip movements I thought to self

Is this it? Have I finally shut out all my nerves?

Reg shakes me ajit to harsh then Alexander pulls him away telling him softly I grab a paper and and pen writing

I can't hear. I have finally shut my nerves down. I was warned but didn't listen.

They all looked sad and confused

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