Chapter One: The Storm

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A/N ~ I hope you all enjoy this new story even though there's a possibility I'll have a few mistakes here and there but that's the thing about Watt-pad, It's a place for writers to learn and grow. Thanks for reading "Set Francis Free"


Chapter One: The Storm * © 2013 by Robert Whitehurst. All rights reserved.

The sky was practically having an emotional breakdown. The air was being overthrown with cold temperatures and dampness -- just like him. He was lost, yet still wandering. Francis sat on the park bench. He peered outwards looking out to who-knows-where. He sure didn't know. His eyes were dazed upon a daydream of sorts as he was continuously biting his bottom lip.

No one was outside during the short drizzle of rain except Francis and a couple of stray cats huddling beneath the shade of an oak tree near him. He observed closely. The cats were obviously familiar with each other, licking and making noises to one another. Even a defenseless animal had someone and something to fight for. Francis was defenseless as well, but all had was a stick of gum in one of his front pockets, certainly nothing worth fighting for.

He was more drenched than when he got here; more covered with rain than the millions of dew drops on the grass surrounding him in the park. He shivered, practically hugging himself now. Why he was here, he didn't even know. He always went to the park when he was sad, angry, or frustrated. It was somewhat therapeutic, but nearly not therapeutic enough. He would much rather get in touch with his therapeutic surroundings elsewhere. If elsewhere was like Darla's office.

Darla was his therapist for two years, and today was the last time he saw her -- for now. She was lovely, and working with her was somewhat helpful. She was kind, decent looking, but was older and married, even had a little baby on the way. Francis didn't really desired anything with Darla 'that way' -- she was more like a really close relative or something. Darla just listened, (very well actually, even asked questions) and was also concerned. Sometimes, it seemed to Francis that like she was just doing her job. She listened and it made him feel well -- he felt a little less cold and damp.

He struggled to lift himself up and walk to the parking lot. His mother's gray sedan was parked close so he hopped right in and shut the driver's door. He was beginning to warm up a bit but he was still numb. He then put his keys in and began to drive home.

His mind was still everywhere which wasn't really safe since he was driving. He stared out as the droplets of rain poured down on his windshield. The shudders then immediately cleared his view. He couldn't help but think that it was somewhat symbolic.

"R-rain, rain could represent tears," he kept stammering as he talked to himself.

"A-and the shudders could be getting rid of all your problems." The shudders simultaneously appeared to wipe away the droplets.

Then the rain appeared on the windshield again, "Finally the tears come back again because whenever I try to get rid of my problems they never go away. . .they just come back to haunt me," He said, as he chuckled.

It wasn't funny to him at all. It was just the truth to him. To Francis it was one big cycle of false hope and misery. It was a sick sad twisted truth for anyone dealing with what he had. Maybe with time, things could be different. Just maybe.

He was stuck in traffic for a while. Every few minutes he would inch closer and closer until he got a view of the cause of it. There was an accident up a little ways. He glimpsed out and found that a suburban had hit little bitty car. The cars were all heavily damaged. There were also paramedics surrounding something, probably a body.

The paramedics finally parted enough to give him a view. The body was covered in a white wool blanket, the face was the only thing that wasn't covered. It was a girl, most likely in her teens like Francis. She had a dark complexion -- a beautiful one at that. The girl was crying, jerking her head back and forth as if she was looking for someone.

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