Chapter 29

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Days passed with Connie remaining quiet on her conversations with Charlie. Jacob was unsuspecting of anything and that was how Connie liked it at the moment.

Holly came running into the living room shouting causing Connie to look to her. "Mummy, Mummy its Daddy! Daddy needs help, Mummy!" She shot up from her seat rushing after her daughter into the garden where Jacob was now on the floor. "Jacob!?" "It's alright, I'm fine."

Connie moved quicker than he thought possible in her heels until she was knelt on the floor bedside him. "Woah you are staying right there." "No, Connie I'm fine-" "I'll be the judge of that thank you." He rolled his eyes sighing as she looked to the deep laceration on his head.

"What on earth were you doing, I said play not kill each other." "Daddy fell when we were running, I didn't mean to Mummy." Connie shook her head quickly turning her attention to her daughter. "It's alright baby it isn't your fault. Can you go get Mummy's phone for me please?"

Holly nodded running off into the house while Jacob tried sitting up again. "No way. You're staying there until an ambulance can get here." "Connie I do not need an-" "I don't care what you think. I'm a doctor and I'll be the judge in what you do or don't need right now okay?"

His eyes widened at her tone before surrendering to her. "Okay... But I think I'm fine-" "It's going to need stitches, you're far from fine right now muscles." He smirked as Holly came back with her phone. "Here Mummy-" "Thank you sweetie, can you go wait inside for Mummy please?"

Holly nodded moving away while Connie called for an ambulance, moving forwards to grab the closest thing to her. She bundled it up into a ball pressing it to the side of Jacob's head causing him to flinch. "Ouch-" "Sorry. Keep the pressure on there, okay? Ambulance please..."

Jacob remained where he was on the floor as Connie spoke to someone on the phone. "They're on their way, I'm sure you do this sort of thing to wind me up-" "Yeah, I thought this would be a fun afternoon sweet cheeks, totally intentional." Connie rolled her eyes holding a hand out to him. "Well if you're going to try and get up you can at least accept my help."

He smirked reaching out to take her hand before losing his balance. Connie stepped forwards holding onto him, moving his arm over her shoulders. "That's exactly why I said you shouldn't move-" "Alright Miss know it all, can we just get inside please?" Connie went quiet helping him move inside sitting him at the kitchen table while she grabbed a tea towel from the side.

"Here take this instead." He winced pressing the fabric to his head while Connie got rid of the bloodied material and washed her hands. With Connie's mind focused on Jacob she had failed to notice what was about to happen.

The door knocked and Holly wandered to the door opening it to two paramedics. "Hey there sweetheart, your Mummy or Daddy in?" He crouched down to her level while looking around the small girl trying to see into the house. "My Daddy's in the kitchen, he's hit his head-" "It's alright sweetheart, we're here to help okay." Holly nodded moving out of the way as he stood back up stepping inside.

"Hello, paramedics!?" "Ur, yeah through here!" They followed after the voice before moving around the kitchen to stand beside the couple. "Mrs Beauchamp?" She lifted her eyes seeing Iain before her and someone she didn't recognise. Immediately she snapped into clinical mode reeling off what had happened. "He's got a deep laceration to the side of his head, he'll need an x-ray to make sure there's nothing embedded and stitches."

Iain had a quick look but in no way doubted her abilities to judge what was wrong. "Right before we move you I just want to take some quick obs-" "It's alright you don't need to explain, I'm a nurse too." Iain smiled with a nod before carrying on with what he was doing. Connie stepped away moving through to the living room where Holly was sitting.

Jez elbowed Iain nodding his head towards the woman who had just left causing Iain to speak quietly. "Not now." The serious tone shut him down and left the conversation at a dead end. Connie scooped Holly up from the sofa holding her close. "You okay baby?" "Yes Mummy, will Daddy be okay?"

She sat down on the sofa running her hands through her daughters hair. "Of course Daddy's going to be okay, he's just a bit daft sometimes... But we're going to have to go to the hospital with him alright?" "Is it the hospital that Charlie's at?" Connie nodded with a smile pushing her hair back from her face. "Can we see him too?" "I don't see why not..."

Iain stepped into the doorway looking across the room. "Mrs Beauchamp? We're ready to take him in, you're welcome to jump in-" "It's okay, I'll follow behind." Iain nodded once before leaving the girls to it. "Right, go get your shoes on again baby." "Okay Mummy."

Connie caught sight of Jacob sat in the ambulance. "You don't have to come-" "Do be serious. You think I trust you alone after this?" He laughed as she stepped closer to the back of the ambulance. Jacob reached out taking her hand as she caressed the back of his hand. "If it's too hard for you-" "It's fine, I'll be fine. See you soon okay." He nodded as she leant forwards kissing him briefly before moving to her car with Holly.

Soon enough Connie was driving a route she hadn't driven for seven years, one that she didn't see herself taking again for some time. It took everything she had to remain calm as she parked her car beside the hospital. "Holly I need you to stay with me okay?" She nodded quickly from the back before Connie got out taking her daughters hand, her eyes lifting to the daunting building before her.

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