Jewls Are A Girls Bestfriend

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There I was on the roof hanging from a light. The chain I was holding onto was cold and it made my hands hurt. I wrapped my legs around the actual part that held the light and I stayed quiet. There were two men below me talking about what they were gonna do with the new room that was just built in. After about five minutes there conversation started to bore me, and I don't like to be bored. I jumped down from the light swiftly and landed on my feet. "Hello boys." I flashed them a psychotic smile. The one on the right with the suite and tie was probably the boss of the museum if the outfit didn't give it away then it was the fact that his brown hair was slicked back with a thousand pounds of hair gel. He pulled out a gun from his black vest which made me think that this was a regular thing for him. Even better, a challenge. He pointed it directly at my face. The guy next to him quickly ran behind the man with the gun, having fear in his eyes, he was trembeling. I kicked my leg up so I could hit the mans hand thus making him drop the gun which I caught with much skill. I pointed the gun at him now, I pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through the mans head causing the bullet to go into the head of the guy right behind him. I started laughing hysterically until my stomach started to hurt. I reloaded my gun and skipped away happily. I slid my goggles that helped me see in the dark on because none of the lights were on. I walked around the silent building looking at historical artifacts as I went through the endless hallway. By the time I got to the door it was already 4:00 in the morning which means people were gonna be here in about an hour. I opened the black door that stood in front of me. There it was in a clear case and in the the middle of a big room with a spotlight on it to make it stand out. I ran up to it and broke the glass, but of course right when I did a really loud alarm went off and a bunch of gaurds came flooding in from the door. I rolled my eyes and took the jewl out of the case. I raised my hands up and pretended to act innocent. "I don't want any trouble officers." I said in a sarcastic tone then I started laughing. "JK! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!!!" I zipped down my left converse and pulled out a tiny cannon but then I clicked a button that made it grow. I aimed it at the flood of people but at the last second I changed my aim to one of the four pillars and shot my cannon. Instead of having a normal cannon it shot out multiple bullets that formed the shape of a heart. Once the pillar collapsed on the gaurds the whole place looked like it was gonna fall so I aimed my cannon at the floor and held on to it and shot it which made me fly up into the air and break throgh the already crumbiling roof. I ran off the the building and jumped back into my plane/car like vehicle that had a whole back space where I could just walk around and hang out. I put the jewl in the seat next to me when I started driving back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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