*Zayn's POV*
"Can I please come in?" He begs for the hundreds time in the past five minutes. "No." I repeat while blocking the door for him.
"Come on Zayn we need to talk."
"You said that the other time too, I'm not trapping into that again."
"Zayn I love you." He says the words that make me weak and he knows it, that's exactly what he wants.
"You broke my heart, twice. But not a third time Kevin!"
"You know I love you and I know you love me too."
"Nowp I don't love you." I lie.
"Liar." He says and the smirk hidden in his voice never irritated me more.
"You're a jerk you know."
"I know. But please give me a chance to explain myself."
I keep quiet, maybe if I ignore him he'll go away.
"Zayn you don't have to forgive me but the least you can do is listen."
Uhg why am I this weak.
I open the door and let him in, a horrible smile is playing on his lips.
I already regret it.
"So, what do you want to know?"
"Maybe start with why you ignore me, or why I can't enter your room or wait with why I can't surprise you or maybe why you didn't text me."
"Battery was low, I hate surprises and I was just in shock to see you."
"You have planned all this answers didn't you?"
"I love you Zayn." I roll my eyes. He ignores my question so that confirms he really prepared those answers.
Oh I hate him.
No I don't but...
You know.
It's just urgh.
"Listen I didn't came to fight, I came here to beg for forgiveness, you wont forgive me, I would bend down on my knees to beg even more, you would forgive me, we would kiss a little and have a long and happy life."
"That's not going to happen Kevin. But I wont forgive you and stand my point, you will be begging even more and I'll forgive you but I will send you away cause I will never be able to love you more as a friend again, you end up begging again but I will be strong and send you away."
"So you.. You don't give us a chance?" He asks.
"No actually I don't Kevin. I like you, a lot but I don't see myself with you over ten years."
On top if this lovely conversation his phone starts ringing again.
Oh not this time. Not again.
I grab the phone out of his hands.
'William <3' it says.
Kevin tries to grab his phone but I head to the bathroom with his phone and close the door behind me.
"Zayn open this door!" He yells while banging the door. "I swear if you don't open the door I'll break it!"
"Oh you better wont or you're paying for it!" I yell back. He keeps yelling and banging but I ignore him.
I dial that William's number and call him. Who immediately picks up and starts talking.
"Kevin we need to talk, I heard you have a boyfriend!? I don't want to be your second choice. I'm not your toy, I have feelings too!"
I'm speechless.
What the actual fuck.
He has two boyfriends?
I should have known.
"Listen this is Zayn, his 'boyfriend'. Could you be so nice to explain what's going on here?"
"I found out Kevin has a boyfriend, obviously you, while he was seeing me. I can't believe it."
"Neither do I." I admit.
"Can you give me your number? Then we can make an appointment or something so we can meet and talk about all of this."
"Okay." I say and dictate my number.
"Thanks, I'm so sorry about all of this. I swear I didn't know.."
"It's okay, I didn't know either but I think we both got better of this."
"True. It was nice to speak to you Zayn, we'll text right?"
"Yea sure bye." I say and hang up.
Oh that piece of shit, I'll kill him!
I unlock the door to find Kevin standing in the doorway.
"You are unbelievable." I yell and hit him right in the face. He clearly didn't expect this one coming and takes a few steps back.
"Get out! Now!"
"But Zayn I.."
He sighs and starts walking away. If he closes the door behind him I yell:
"This isn't over Kevin!!"
What the hell did my life become to?
*Astrid's POV*
"Thank you for taking me home again." I say and start walking away.
"Wait! Aren't you going to say goodbye?" I sigh. I don't want him to kiss me again... Because I actually want it... But I don't want to want it.
It's difficult.
He warps his arms around me and I barely hug him back, even though I want him to pull me against him.
I hate myself for wanting that but I can't help it. I have to push those feelings to the side.
"What's wrong? You can relax, I'm not kissing you again."
"You were a terrible kisser." He jokes
"Thanks again." I say and raise an eyebrow. He smiles so his white teeth become visible.
We come slowly closer, our lips only inches away from each other. I can feel his hot breath against my face.
I want this, I really do but I hate myself for that. I stare into his eyes while he's looking at my lips.
"I'm sorry." I say and pull away.
"It's okay. I said I wouldn't kiss you again but still I try." He says. It felt so right on the moment but when he tells it like this it sounds so stupid.
"I uhm.. I'm going inside." I stutter and he pulls me into a hug.
"I'm sorry." He whispers.
"Me too."
I nod and start walking away. I wave a few times before getting inside.
I close the front door behind me and put of my jacket. When I turn around I get a heart attack when I find Niall frowning at me with crossed arms.
Oh no.
"Uhm hey Niall." I say and try to walk past him but he blocks my way.
"We need to talk."
"I don't think so."
Or he saw me with Harry or he knows about Celine being pregnant.
I can't decide what's worse.
"Where were you?"
Aaaand he saw me with his enemy, great.
"I was in town."
"Don't lie to me I saw you."
"So why are you asking?"
"How long are you already seeing him?" He asks.
"We're not dating or something, he's just a friend." Those words weight heavier on my chest than they're supposed to.
"As, he's not a good friend."
"How do you know? You don't know him, you don't know how he treats me. You don't know our friendship."
"I may don't know your friendship but I know Harry better than you think and I know he'll hurt you and he'll let you fall. Not to forget what he did to our family."
"He wouldn't hurt me, on purpose."
"Maybe not on purpose but I know him and he'll let you fall."
"How do you even 'know him'?"
"He uhm.. Nothing just let it go."
"How can I believe you if you wont tell me how you know him?"
He's overthinking, choosing his words. I know that face, he's going to tell me something bad and he doesn't know how to say it.
"Just blurt it out." I say but he keeps quiet, for a long time.
"Niall?" I ask but he doesn't answer for another minute.
"You know what? I don't even want to know!" I turn around and start walking away. What is he thinking? That he can chose my friends for me? That he can tell me how to live?
"He was my best friend!" Niall blurts out what makes me standing still.
"What did you say?" I change my thoughts into words.
"He was my friend since kindergarten till we were thirteen." He says. How is it that I don't know about that?
"He-he dropped me for his other friends who were 'cooler' than me. But later on they dropped him after they pushed him into drugs and alcohol. He came back to me, and I felt sorry for him but I didn't want to be friends with someone like that. Since then he's alone, playing every girl he can get and adds them to his list. He's still on drugs and drinks way too much. It will become his death if he isn't going to stop. And I don't want you to be friends with him so he can get into your pants and add you to his list or pushes you into drugs like he tried to me."
"We-we're just friends." I say while remembering the kisses and 'dates'.
"And he stopped drinking and drugs, Jake told me that."
"First of all you have to know that Jake is on drugs too." He says. He opens his mouth to speak again but I stop him by marking his cheek.
"Don't talk about my boyfriend that way!" I yell.
"Boyfriend?" He asks. "Why didn't I know?" I ignore him completely.
"You have to know that Jake is raising his little brother alone! That he gives the tightest hugs and is the most understanding guy I ever met. He stopped drugs a long time ago and didn't use them a lot."
He wants to speak again but I cut him off. "And about Harry, he stopped drinking and drugs, stopped playing girls. You know since when? Since he met me! And would you now excuse me I have better things to do." I turn around but he grabs my arm.
"Don't forget this all can be a game."
I pull my arm away and head to my room. I'm locking myself in for today.
I think back at Harry trying to kiss me earlier and why I wanted it so badly. I absolutely don't believe Niall but something in me is scared he is might as be right. What am I supposed to do then? When all of this is a bad,bad joke? What if Harry is playing games with me just to piss Niall off? What if Jake still uses drugs? What if he doesn't love me the way he makes me believe he does? Urgh I need to stop. Now. Or I'll go insane. I open my handbag to search my phone to call Kate.
Wait a minute.
Where is the pregnancy-test?
I don't remember throwing him away.
Well gone is gone.
*Kate's POV*
I feel his chest going up and down by his breathing. His strong arms hug the pieces of my broken heart back together. I missed him, there's no way to deny that. I don't want him to leave now but it's ten o'clock and my mother doesn't want him to be here now, she's still sort of pissed because of my night on the bench.
"Bye Kate." He presses his pink lips softly against mine. "Bye." I whisper and he smiles weakly. He waves when he's at the corner of the street before disappearing.
I immediately feel empty.
I walk inside and head to the baby room to kiss the twins goodnight before turning back to my purple bedroom. I open the diary I threw on the floor and read what I wrote before. Oh yea I remember, Sophia.
I write down everything what comes up in me, everything I want to tell someone but can't.
After a few minutes all my thoughts and feelings are on the paper. I take a deep breath, it may sound weird but I feel a lot better.
I turn the page and before I realize it I'm drawing something, I don't really know what. The pencil draws hard, black lines on the paper and more and more it begins to look like a person. I don't have to overthink who the person is, it's Sophia. The pencil gave her big, angry eyes and lips, a small nose and long, long nails. She has the teeth of a wolf and just looks like a monster. I draw her personality I think. It's not a bad drawing, I mean I'm not an artist but sure enough there are people who draw not as good as this.
Sure enough my phone rings and on the second ring I answer it. I hope, please god, don't let it be her!
"Hello Kate?"
"Astrid hi." I'm do relieved, thank you so much, god.
"What's up."
"Uhm.. I don't know how I have to tell you this..." She trails off. "Niall told me that Jake is might playing games with me."
"As that's ridiculous, Jake is a good guy, he wont do that to you."
"He told me he barely used drugs and stopped a long time ago.. But Niall says he's still using them."
"I don't believe it. Astrid let's see first before you believe what they say."
"I know but I know Niall good enough. He wont lie to me."
"I know but maybe this is a misunderstanding and he's just over-concerned." I say.
"Yea maybe you're right. I'll talk to Jake about it."
"Yea good idea."
She lets out a deep breath. "Thank you so much Kate, what would I do without you?"
"You would be nobody, a loser, nothing." I joke and I hear her giggle through the line.
Read this;
Hope you all enjoyed christmas! I didn't get our moment like they told me I would. Pff :(
I hope you liked the chapter, comment and vote please 💋
I'll maybe wont be uploading this weekend cause my friends come tomorrow till sunday and I have a competition on Saturday. But I promise that Monday and Tuesday I'll be writing extra ;) love you guys! 💋✨

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q