Chapter 19

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"I guess I thought wrong," I said as I stared in awe at all of the people that populated the Pokémon Center.

"I think you jinxed it for us," Jeremy replied while sweat dropped from his head. "Anyways, let's hurry to the front desk in order to get a room. From the look of it, this Pokémon Center does not seem like it's eligible to withhold this many people."

Jeremy and I dashed our way to the front desk. A passel of people shouted at us as we passed by them. It did not seem like they wanted little children to get a room before them.

Jeremy slammed his hand on the counter in front of one of the many Nurse Joys. "We need a room, stat,"

"Well, you're in luck, we have a few more available," Nurse Joy said as she gave us a key. "I have no idea how I can fit all of these people here. They might have to sleep in the main lobby."

"Hopefully you can try to squeeze people in here," I answered, snatching the key out of her hands. "Do you have any idea why there are so many people here?"

"It's never this crowded," Nurse Joy commenced. "It's either because of Gym battles or people visiting the Granite Cave. For some reason, everyone's been attractive towards the cave."

"Hm, that's strange," I commented. "Is there something in there that causes visitors to come?"

"Yes, actually!" the pink haired nurse exclaimed. "There's this old painting created over thousands of years ago. I'm not sure what it's about, but when you have time, be sure to examine it."

"Will do," I answered, then caught up with Jeremy who was already halfway towards the room we will be staying over the night.

Once we got in, shuffled myself into the bed, covered myself with layers of blankets, then dozed off thinking about my next Gym battle.


The next morning rapidly arrived. After I finished getting dressed and went to the local Pokémon Center Café, Jeremy and I departed the Pokémon Center in order for us to challenge the gym.

Since my Pokémon were already healed, I had nothing to worry about. Though, I only had three Pokémon: Treecko, Eevee, and Taillow. My Flying type Pokémon, Taillow, would be the best fit for defeating Brawly's Fighting Pokémon. Hopefully once I overcome the gym, I could travel to Granite Cave and see what all of the hype is about.

We approached the gym within a few minutes. It was not far from the Pokémon Center.

Once we entered the gym, my eyes wondered as I looked for Brawly. The entire gym was filled with different types of workout equipment. Finally, I found Brawly running on a treadmill with his Pokémon in the center of the gym. At the same time, he seemed to be lifting weights. Such skill he's got.

The door shut, causing the sound to echo throughout the gym. Barely turned his machine off, placed his dumbbells onto the ground, then made his way to us.

"Well, well, seems like the daughter of our Champion himself has finally arrived," Brawly said as he wiped off the sweat that was dripping from his cyan, spiky hair. "I just finished my workout and I was about to do some surfing, but since you stumbled into my gym, I'd be glad to battle you."

I smiled. "Thank you, Brawly."

"No problem, dude," he replied. His Machop and Makuhita headed towards us. "Hey, I'm sure your father would be proud that you made it all the way here. You're getting closer and closer towards the Pokémon League."

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