Chapter 20

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After Jeremy and I departed towards the Pokémon Center for the final time on this island, we eventually made our way to the Granite Cave. However, hundreds of tourists aging from children to elders formed a mob, blocking the entrance to the cave. The two of us were eager to know what was occurring. The only way to find out, though, was to thrust our way through the crowd.

A small group of people shifted aside, revealing an opening. With that, I squeezed myself through the small opening guest to figure out what was occurring on the other side. Many apologies escaped my mouth since I accidentally pushed people out of my way.

Finally, after squeezing my way through hundreds of strangers, Jeremy and I were at the front of the cave. People behind us were extremely angered since took their spots. Thankfully, the entrance to the cave was directly in front of us. However, it was guarded by Officer Jenny and another officer.

"Excuse us, Officer Jenny, but why is everyone crowded around the Granite Cave?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, we just want to check out some ancient painting that's lurking inside here," Jeremy added.

"No can do, guys," Officer Jenny replied. "This cave is off limits until he leaves."

I raised an eyebrow at her response. "What do you mean by 'until he leaves'? Who's in there?"

Officer Jenny exhaled deeply. "Do I have to answer everything for you? Our champion, Steven Stone, is in there. He's examining that painting you mentioned."

I gasped. It felt as if all of the air in my lungs vanished. "My dad is in there?!"

Murmurs erupted in the crowds behind us.

Officer Jenny placed her white glove covered hands on her hips. "Don't you know any better? You shouldn't lie to an adult, especially when it's a Police Officer. I can send you to jail for being an imposter."

"Jail?!" cries Jeremy. "You can't do that!"

"I have the right to do so," the foul-mouth officer claimed.

"No, you can't," protested Jeremy. "She really is his daughter."

"Prove it," the cop challenged.

I placed my hand inside my messenger bag and searched for something to prove her wrong. My hands clenched once I felt some old, childhood pictures that my other gave me so I wouldn't feel lonely on my journey.

"Is this enough evidence?" I stated as I handed her a few pictures that were sealed in plastic to keep them from ruining. Officer Jenny examined the pictures one by one. Her eyes widen as her cheeks flushed a light red.

"Luna Stone...I'm terribly sorry," she apologized. "I didn't recognize you. My apologies. Please enter." Her and the other officer stepped aside, revealing the dark passage that led to the inner depths of Granite Cave.

"Thank you," I said, snatching the photos from her hands and shoving them back into my bag. Instantly, Jeremy and I entered the cave, determined to find my father.


Faint sounds of water dripping from jagged rocks whispered into my ears. Screeches of wild Geodudes and Makuhitas echoed throughout the cave. As we headed deeper into the cavern, light began to fade. A shiver rolled down my spine at the thought of mysterious Pokémon lingering the depths of this pitch black cave.

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