Chapter 2: school but mostly lunch

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This school was better than Wylan expected. It was much bigger so no one really gave him a second glance unlike Ice Court where if they was anyone knew in any way, it was like everyone's eyes had to be watching that person ko matter what he or she did. The hallway was also larger, but all the arts were down one hall, all the math/science classes down another, etc., so finding the classes weren't as hard as Ice Court, where they seemed to be strategically placed for people to get lost. Finally, there didn't seem to be that many bullies. Sure it was hard not to see the people "secretly" dealing drugs in that corner or the people making a circle to cheer on a fight, but they all seemed to stay in their little groups and as long as Wylan avoided them, they seemed likely to avoid him too. And his schedule was nicer than Ice Court where he had a double period of English 1st. Here is was first period was math, his best subject and he didn't need to write anything. His dyslexia lessons were during PE (2nd period) and a girl named Nina offered to show him around to the classes that they had at the same time. Perhaps she had been asked, or maybe she was just nice, but either way he was grateful of her help.
    Lunch was stressful with all the yelling, screaming, and whatever else was going on. All the sophomores had lunch as the same time (5th period) and they were the smallest grade (his father had told him that a few weeks ago), but it was still far more people than Wylan ever wanted to see in a smallish building. He managed to find an empty table except for two juniors who were on their free. They didn't acknowledge him as he awkwardly put his tray down in question so he took the chance. The food wasn't nearly as good as what they had served at Ice Court, but he had definitely had worse plus he was hungry. He just had to remember to pack his own sandwiches when he had the chance. Finished, he scanned the tables, easily distinguishing the different cliches: cheerleaders, anime nerds, shy people sitting together so they didn't have to sit anywhere else...they weren't a cliche! His eyes had fallen on a group of 5 people: a boy with creepy leather gloves and a walking stick that looked like something people would see in horror movies, an Indian girl with her hood up, the Nina girl from before, a man who looked like he was from the freaking American Revolution, and a boy with dark skin, a terrifying smirk, snazzy clothing, and the most beautifully annoying face Wylan had ever seen. They looked completely different and free. If he had to label them however, he would label them as intimidating. Checking back over his schedule so the table didn't see him staring, his heart sank when he saw that 7th period, before his free, was English. With Mr. Rollins. Tortue in a class.

Jesper was having a great time. His old friends, well mostly Kaz, had been less than happy to see him sure, but he had expected that and if he was honest, it was nice to be back. Jesper was proud to call himself a social butterfly and when he had walked the halls, he knew almost everyone and that comforted him. The classrooms and teachers were different but there were a few that were the same and those were what mattered. Scratch that, what mattered and what he had forgotten about over the summer was the school gambling! And he was doing quite fine, if he could say so himself. So far, he had won a bet of 10 dollars over where or not the science teacher was going to introduce himself and in math, he beat the teacher at what are the odds. He was teasing Matthias over his poor clothing choice,  to Nina's amusement and Matthias's annoyance, when he subconsciously felt that someone was watching him. That usually wouldn't mean anything, but because he was paranoid, he looked around. Besides, it could be a new person he didn't know! However, as he scanned the room, he saw no one new and no one watching. He had just about given up when his eyes landed on an angel. Well, a angel in blue jeans, and a white shirt. Angel person had tried to make himself look cheaper than he was, but Jesper's eye picked up on the fact that those jeans were designer and the coloring of him (pale white with red-gold curly hair). He was a merchant's kid, a businessman's kid, someone whose parents could probably afford to send him to a nicer school than old Ketterdam. Yet there he was, sitting alone frowning though his freckles at his schedule. New and interesting.
      "Who ya checking out?" Nina asked, following his gaze. "Oh, ya checking out the new kid! Ya, I met him. Name's Wylan, I can't remember the last name, something staring with Van, and he's a cute, little, innocent, thing. Too innocent for this school anyway. Beat the teacher in math class too. With his own problem. Mrs. Mossery looked ready to chuck the marker at him because she had introduced the problem as What you will be able to do end of next year. They might even move him up a class!" Jesper's ears perked up. Math, in his opinion, was the school definition of hell and if that cute little angel could help him with it, he would make him be his tutor. By any and all means necessary, aka begging and flirting.
"Kid sounds boring." Kaz muttered, not looking up from his book, 50 Way to Kill a Man. Nina and Jesper both jumped. You just didn't know when Kaz was listening in to one of your conversations-you had be extra careful about what you said. He could hear unfairly well too, for someone who wore headphones most hours of the day. Inej hit him over the head.
"Don't go judging people so quickly, if he was to judge you, he'd find a murderer." Kaz shrugged and flipped a page.
"And keep his distance" Inej sighed.

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