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Kino pov. ( finally!)

     When I saw sana fall I was going to catch her. But someone beat me to it. Yuto? What's worst is that he kept stating at her?! Can he hurry up and put her on the ground?!ugh!
"Ahem!" I 'coughed'. They finally looked at me and yuto helped her stand up again."m-mianhe I didn't know the floor was way here" sana said blushing. Why is she blushing?! Does she like him?! Andwae!  Do I like her?? I felt something burning in my chest when I saw her in his arms.I didn't like it. " let's go" I said coldly, pulling her away by her hand. Just the touch of her warm hands makes my heart beat fast. What's happening?!
"Oppa? Are you mad at me?" Sana asked me. " a-ani I just.." I have to find and excuse " oppa, were you jealous??" Sana said smirking at me. "A-a-ANI!!" I said alittle too loud,now everyone in the store is staring at me. I felt my face turn bright red. " hahaha!" I saw sana laughing, I stared at her in awe. How can someone be so perfect? "Oppa,I was just joking!" Sana said smiling,and I smiled back. I think I do like her. "Sana I have something I wanna tell you" I gathered up the courage to say "ne oppa?" Sana looked up at me. " I li-" I was cut off by yuto "let's go guys, the others are waiting"yuto said glaring at me. Others? Oh no..

Sana pov.

   That was so embarrassing! How can I slip like that?! Ugh. I can't believe yuto caught me, was i wrong about him. I don't think he would hurt me.
Kino was quiet the entire time, but he never let go of my hand. "Oppa are you mad at me?" I asked him hesitantly,im really scared he is."a-ani I'm just..." he trailed off.I  really want to lighten the tension " oppa were you jealous??" I asked him smirking, he turned red. Cute~♡ "a-a-ANI!" he yelled causing everyone to look at us. He turned redder than before all the way to his ears. "Hahahah!" I couldn't help but laugh I stopped when I noticed him starting at me. "Oppa I was joking" I said and that snapped him out. There's no way he like me, has like my best friend besides mina and momo.  "Sana I have something I wanna tell you" Kino said looking at me seriously. " what oppa?" I said. " I really li-" he said but was cut off by yuto. " let's go and meet the others" he said looking at Kino. Wait it was more like glaring. Wae? What others wasn't it just us?? We started walking to the others. I saw someone I recognised"wooseok?!" "Sana" wooseok said with a smile. Why is he smiling at me?? He called me a nerd before. I drowned and walked up to him and punched him. " aish! Yah!!!" Wooseok yelled. But I just smiled at him which made him speechless."chingue?" I had my hand out for him to shake. "Chingue" he took my hand and shook it. " hi! My name is Minatozaki Sana, nice to meet you!" I said showing my eye smile.  "Yah I thought yuto said she was a nerd, this will be easier than I thought. Hi! My name is shinwon!" "Shinwon" said ,but I heard what he said to a short guy. " my glasses broke, and I'm wearing contact so that's why I don't look like a nerd" I said angrily. "O-oh m-mianhe!" He said not looking at me. "Hahaha she just shut up shinwon!!" The short one said " hi my name is jinho" he put out his hand, which I shook. They all introduced them selves to me and they seemed really nice,but I had to go home.

"I have to go, my mom is going to be really mad!" I said walking away. "Bye sana!" I heard them say "wait sana!" I turned and saw yuto " I really wanted to say sorry, I hope you can forgive me" he said not looking at me. But it wasn't his fault I fell.  " yes, of course!" I said and he finally looked at me. " let me walk you home, please" he said with aegyo "haha aresso"

Once we arrived I turned around ." Thank you for walking me home" I said to him "no problem , can I ask you something?" Yuto asked me. " sure!" I smiled at him "do you wanna mabye hangout??" He asked not looking at me, he must be shy. " sure,with kino??" I asked him. "S-sure why not?"he said with a bitter smile. "Ok then. Tell me when" and with that I want inside to see my mother sleep on the couch. I want upstairs and wrapped her in a blanket. My dad is still at work. I took a shower,took out the contacts , and went to sleep.

Yuto pov.

I really want to win this bet.

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