Chapter 20

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Updates and Welcome Back!

Hi guys! Since Big Brother 19 is starting back up I am working on finishing this one. I wanted to update this story sooner but I didn't have the episodes available and without them the storyline would be confusing. I just got access back for episodes and will be updating a lot more!

Who knows, maybe we will get a whole other crazy Big Brother adventure with Paul and Rosa? Depending on how this season plays out, I'll let you know.

Also, I have some work done for my "Paul Imagines" book and that will be coming out after this story is finished.

Thank you so much for 7,000 reads and 200 votes!
I love you all endlessly.

• • •

"I'm pissed!" I don't even have to tell you who said that. "Bro, you still have your shoes on? You should've won H.O.H. just for that."

I walk pass Paul and Corey as I try and collect my thoughts. Natalie won H.O.H. which was one of the best scenarios for me. Last week we teamed up to get Paulie out and I've always had her back.

I don't feel safe still after hearing Paulie talk to Nicole, Corey and Paul about getting me out. I don't think Paul would ever turn his back against me but you can't trust this house. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and admit there wasn't a great time to talk about it. On the other hand he could be considering it, it has happened in this game multiple times as we've seen.

It's showmance vs showmance vs showmance vs Michelle. I smile at the thought, I never thought I'd not be the Michelle of the situation. I just need to trust Paul.

• • •

"We're f***ed." I whispered to Paul as Natalie left the table and joined Nicole and Corey in the bathroom.

"Oh, we're f***ed, one hundred percent." He laughed not bothering to be as quite as I was. He looked over at me, "I'm kidding." He whispered.

"I don't know we could be." I shrugged as I was internally shouting, "Just tell me!" He didn't say anything and I spoke up again. "Don't you think they'd make a deal with Nicole and Corey to get you, me and Michelle out?"

He started fixing his microphone, "they could be." I decided to stop talking about it, it was obvious he wasn't going to let me in on it.

• • •

Paul and I took the first opportunity we could get to talk to James and Natalie alone. Especially with Nicole and Corey being attached to their hips. We found ourselves in the bathroom having a "friendship conversation." Words of the wise.

"Straight up right now... I'm not going to be surprised if Tweedledee and Tweedledum." I held back a laugh, you don't even have to think about who is who. "...come over to you two and make a deal. I'm going to leave you alone. Do what's best for your game. I'm still sticking to our friendship. But if something is in best interest for you, you go ahead and do it."

"I respect that Paul, thank you." Natalie nodded putting her mascara down.

We leave and now I have a funny feeling about this week.

• • •

A little while later I decide to go up to the H.O.H. room and share my peace with them. To no surprise Corey is stretched up on the bed with them, it looks like he is close to braiding her hair and talking about Christmas lights. It's pretty weird to get so close to someone after they win a competition. I wave as I sit on the couch.

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