Fuck being my Girlfriend, you're my wife again

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It’s been two weeks since me and que haven’t been interacting, and I am starting to break. He doesn’t even touch me what-so-ever. He sleeps in bed with me, but that only makes it worse. I cannot believe he actually agreed to the statement I made at the hospital. Oh my goodness I need a porno or some.

“Aye Kre, do you want to make a doctor’s appointment? I want to see how my baby doing” he yelled from the kitchen

”Um sure I guess”

When she replied to him he jumped up and dialed the place. How in the fuck do he know their number by heart.

“Alright they want us to come down at 11, so we got two hours, get ready”

I am not liking the fact that kre is actually going through with this, and basically we not even together, it is like being at square on again. But I can deal with it, I just want my baby to come.



Me and que was sitting in the waiting room not saying a word to each other which made me kind of mad

“Kre Rews” a nurse called

“Here we come” I got up

As the women sat their giving me info on how the baby was doing, she caught me off guard

“So is this your husband, boyfriend, or what”

She didn’t say anything she pretended to not hear her

“She is my girlfriend” he said mad

“Oh, OK so are you the father”

“Hopefully I am” he got up

“Yes ma’am indeed he is” she smiled

After giving Que the guidelines on taking care of Kre they went home in silence once again, but que was mad.


“Hay Danny….yeah I just got back…ok….well ima go lay down for a bit….i will” she hung up and went in kitchen

“Issa said hay” she then tried to walk away

“When we was at the doctor why u didn’t answer when she asked about us being together” he looked from his phone

“Because I don’t know the answer” she said calmly “And as you can see, in this situation you are the only one being hectic, I don’t need drama so I am about to take a nap” she began to walk off “Oh and you put this on yourself, if you would have never did what you did then maybe I would have know where our relationship stand” she began to cry

Stripping is her Enemy: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now