Chapter 14

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"Slowly...slower...that's it, you've got it." John carefully led Cassie out of the bedroom and sat her in his chair. "Relax, I'll get you some tea." She thanked him, then looked to her detective boyfriend sitting in the chair across from her. He was obviously in his mind palace.

When John came back over with her tea, she gratefully took it and took a sip. John, in the meantime, snapped his fingers in Sherlock's face, making him jump back into reality. "What the hell, John?" He snapped. 

"Sherlock, we have no case, so you have no reason to be in your mind palace," John pointed out. Sherlock sat up a little straiter and said, "Yes, I do. I'm trying to prepare myself for when Cassie feels better and we...oh. Hello, dear."

Cassie had an eyebrow raised at him. "What are we doing when I feel better?" She asked. He simply shook his head and told her, "Discussion for another time. For now, we should work on getting a case." He quickly stood up and went to his computer. 

As he tapped furiously at his keyboard, Cassie finished her tea and adjusted her sitting position. John brought her over a couple pain meds he had prescribed her. "You should start feeling a lot better in a couple of days," he told her. "Actually, it might be good for you to get out for a bit. You and the genius over there."

It took some convincing, but Sherlock eventually agreed to go out and get some fresh air with Cassie. The three of them walked slowly down the street, until they reached the same Fish and Chips place Sherlock took Cassie to on Christmas. 

"I can't believe it's been a year since we've been here," she told him. He smirked down at her and said, "I know." Once they were seated at a table, John picked up the menu and asked, "So, speaking of last year, how did you two celebrate your anniversary?"

Before Cassie could say anything, Sherlock piped up and told him, "Our anniversary is next week, John. I've already made reservations at a restaurant where the manager owes me a favor and I have one or two things up my sleeve for afterwards."

He continued to casually look at his menu as Cassie stared at him in awe. "Really?" She asked. He looked over at her and said, "Of course. I read that to be in a long-lasting relationship, the man must usually take the task to remember anniversaries and get the night sorted. Don't you want a long-lasting relationship?"

She shook her head and smiled in disbelief. "You are amazing, Sherlock," she told him. "And for the record, it can be the woman's job to plan it, as well. It doesn't always have to be you." He placed a kiss on her lips and said, "It can be your job next year."

John couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sherlock Holmes was taking a relationship almost just as seriously as a case. He was studying it, taking action on it, keeping notes, and he didn't want it to end. It was almost like a dream watching this unfold. 


Sherlock forgot today was his and Cassie's anniversary. 

He finally got a case, a small one, but still something. Lestrad had called him and he and John went down to examine a corpse. As he was examining the corpse, Lestrad said, "Tonight's a big night, aye, Sherlock?"

Sherlock didn't know what he was talking about. "Isn't tonight your's and Cassie's anniversary, then?" That's when Sherlock sighed deeply and muttered, "Stupid, stupid!" John chuckled a bit, but watched as Sherlock examined the corpse a little more quickly. 

"Didn't you say anything to her before you left?" Lestrad asked. Sherlock grumbled, "She was still asleep." Once he finished, he tried to tell them his deduction, but kept getting distracted. "Erm, the neck has a...present, didn't - didn't get her anything..." He shook his head. "...tiny prick in the neck, it's from a, Shit, no, sorry, needle. Maybe I should get her a necklace."

John and Lestrad side glanced each other. "She doesn't like jewelry," he continued. "Anyways, the needle had some sort of chemical in it, something hard to detect No, she doesn't like flowers. Dammit." He pulled out his phone and started typing on it. 

At this point, John and Lestrad didn't know if it was for Cassie or the case. He typed for a few more minutes, then shouted, "Got it! Oh, this is brilliant, I've solved it!" Lestrad smiled and asked, "You did? Already?"

With a proud smile on his face Sherlock put his phone up to them. " that edible flowers?" Sherlock's smile dropped as he said, "It's some edible arrangement thing. She loves fruit, but hates flowers, she'll be happy she can eat them."

The two just stared blankly at him. "Not good?" He asked. John sighed, "Sherlock, just get her a piece of jewelry and some flowers. Believe me, she may not like them now, but if it comes from you, she'll love it." Sherlock looked unsure, but then said, "Even though you have had several unsuccessful relationships, I will take your advice into consideration."

John nodded and said, "A simple thank you would have been just fine."


The moment Sherlock got home with a small bag in one hand and a dozen roses in the other, he made a b-line to the bathroom and took a shower. He put on his white button down shirt and even went as far as to add a tie. 

After brushing his teeth and making sure everything was perfect, he put on his coat and scarf, grabbed Cassie's presents and made his way upstairs. He knocked on her door a few times and patiently waited as he listened to her stumble around. 

When she opened the door, her eyes practically blew out of her head. "" He raked his eyes all over her body and said, "I've never seen you more...beautiful." She was donning a purple dress that ended just below her knees and flourished at the bottom. Her make up was overdone, but just enough to were it brought out her blue eyes. 

"Thank you," she shyly said. "Are those for me?" Sherlock dragged his eyes away from where he had spotted her black lacy bra peeking out and said, "Yes." He handed them to her. She took the flowers and the bag, then invited him in. 

"These are beautiful," she said, as she looked at the roses. Sherlock felt relief already because he could read that she really did like them. When she opened the bag and saw a necklace with a silver heart on it. "Oh, Sherlock," she gasped. "Did John help you with this?"

Sherlock glanced around the room and told her, "No..." She smiled and rolled her eyes, but still brought him down for a kiss. "Wait here," she told him, before bounding into her room. She came back out with a small, but long box. 

Once she set it down, Sherlock timidly opened it to find...a file. Curiously, he opened it. "It''s a case," he told her. She nodded furiously and said, "I saw it on the news last night, called Lestrad, said he was going to leave you out of it since it was our anniversary, but I got it for you's your next case."

Sherlock couldn't begin to comprehend this. He thought she liked him being home all the time, staying out of danger and being around her. Apparently she does, but she also likes to see him working, having fun, not being bored all the time. 

The feelings he has for her is something he will never feel again in his life. 

He brought her in for a kiss, then set down the file. "I'll take a look at it tomorrow," he told her. "Tonight is about you and me." She gave him a pointed look and said, "Sherlock, just take it." He quickly snatched it up and said, "Good, we'll have a great view of where the suspect works if we get a window seat at the restaurant." 

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