Chapter10: Cant believe my ears

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I woke to a alarm I cracked my eyes open  an glanced at it. It said 10:30 am. I was supposed to be at  work 30 minutes ago! I usually get woken up but lately I haven't been talking to Marshall after that weekend at least 2 weeks ago. I go pulled my hair up and wore the clothes from yesterday, simple tee and jeans it was still chilly outside so I threw a jacket on and ran out the door then went three blocks to my work, then ran in the door and checked in and got right to work



I grabbed a ho-ho and milk from the bar people were lined up behind me so I grabbed the stuff  and sat against the fence I really don't know if it was me or Marshall or both. I popped the lid off the milk and took a swig then bit into the ho-ho. The fence clinked next to me for no odd reason. I switched my head next to me it was Marshall he looked unusually happy. I glared at him and turned back to my milk. He kept staring at me it was making me mad. "Ok stop staring I swear god are you high or something". I said still glaring. " No but I know I'm the happiest man on Earth". He said staring at the grey nasty sky. "Is that so". I said taking another swig. "Yeah try to guess why". He said. "I give up why". I said nonchalantly. "Remember that girl from the bar". He said. I shook my head taking a very long drink. "Well since that weekend we have been hanging out and well yesterday I made her MY girlfriend'. He said giddily. My heart stopped and I started choking on the milk and coughed. "Hey are you ok". Marshall said with a look of worry. Of course not I had a crush on him first that evil hag. Thoughts to myself. "That's great Marshall". I said trying to sound happy when in all truth I wanted to slap him. "Whats her name anyway". I said more forcefully a happy smile. "Well I found out her name is Kim and she is the most beautiful girl ever". He said dreamily.  My breathing got heavier and I wanted to just go to a corner and cry. "I have to go my shift is over". I said and he looked at me confused. "Why do look so angry and sad". He asked. I put my eyebrows together "Im not". I said getting up and walked away. "Well bye I guess". He said. I walked back to the house where I was greeted by Nate. "Hi Ali what's wrong". He said from a warm smile to a worried look I shook my head "Nothing to be concerned but hey Im going to the phone store and I could really us your help". I said. 'Ok". He smiled and grabebd his shoes and coat. "Were is your mom". I asked looking around. "She left to some bango game or something". He said putting the last shoes on. I grabbed my suitcase and grabbed a couple 20's. Nathan was ready and I put my suitcase back. I grabbed his hand and we walked down town. It was dirty and smelt horrible. "Ok well its down this block.....hopefully". I said. Nate looked around nervously. I nudged him "Its ok  nothing will happen to you I promise". I said looked down at him. He nodded and looked straight ahead. We found the store and compared to the rest of the town it was actually nice inside with a display of all the phones. Nate walked in fast and I opened the door. "Hello welcome may I help you". A nice guy said he had brown eyes and brown hair. 'Yeah well I came here looking for just a simple phone nothing fancy". I said looking around. "Well over here we have this flip phone with a nice black case that comes to with it to protect it". He said. "What do you think Nate". I said looking at him. He nodded. "Yeah that one". He said.


Later we were just got home the phone was set up and it was ready to use but the only number I had was Michaels. We walked in the door and we saw Marshall on the couch. "Hey Marshall". Nate said. He hugged Marshall I continued to mess with the phone.  "What is that ". Marshall said. "A phone so I can call people". I said not looking up. 'Who do you have on there". He asked looking over my shoulder. "Um Michael thats about it". I said looking up this time. " Wait he gave you his number". Marshall said almost angrily. " Yeah thats kinda why I got it". I said like it was nothing. " One night and you get his number he doesn't look like your type". Marshall angrily. "Why is it any diffrent and how do know my type" I said putting the phone in my pocket. " Given the fact that you hook up with a girl 2 weeks after you first met". I said feeling mad. "Its diffrent you doent know if he's going to use you". He said almost yelling. " I can do what ever the hell I want and you can't tell me what to do Im not going to stand by while you be happy  and be on the sidelines watching you I deserve to be happy and you cant make me not see him". I yelled at Marshall seezing with anger. He looked at me shocked. I walked out of the door slamming it shut. I grabbed my phone and called Michael. Ring ring ring "Hello'. He said on the other line. "Hi Michael its Ali from the bar". I said trying to sound happy. "Hi  Ali its nice to talk you I thought I got stood up". He said happily. "I know it took me awhile to get the phone and stuff ". I said walking around. " Understood but would you like to meet up sometime". He asked. "Of course when is best for you". I asked for some reason getting excited. "How about today". He asked. "Sure that sound great". I said.

Sorry about the lack of updates its hard but its my winter break and christmas and stuff was kepping me held up but Im back  

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