Monday morning coffee

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Day 3
I'm 17 years old and I drive a pick up truck, I think we know where this is going. Before school my friends and I always go to the local coffee shop and we pick up the new Chase Hanson comics and talk about movie ideas. Tanner says that we should do a zombie movie but I say that would never happen, Ian says that we could do a documentary on superheroes but he knows how I feel about that. Some days I wish I could be a super hero, but for now, I make movies, drink coffee, and drive a truck. 

The funny thing with me though is that, I'm more of a hot chocolate type of guy but the caramel coffee can taste pretty ok, another good thing in this world is a milk shake, I love mint (mint coffee, that's a good idea) and a good mint milkshake can make a mans day a good day, or a better day.

I took another sip when the lights went out. This was a natural occurrence nowadays because of all the factories surround the area. Then the idea struck me. I got up hurriedly and ran out the door, Tanner, Ian and Adele followed me and I looked up. "I know what our next film is going to be!"
"What is it?!" They said in unison
"What if we found out what was going on inside those factories?"
"I'm up for it, always wondered what went on in those things that took up all our energy." Tanner said
"Then let's do it, but finest, let's get to school." I said with a smile and we all got into the truck going to school.

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