Goten VS Trunks

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"A junior division?!" I lifted a brow at Goten as he whined. He was pouting as he looked up at me. "Mooooom! How could you let them place me there?! You know there's no one strong enough to give me a challenge!"

"I'm not so sure about that, Goten," I said as I kneeled down to his level. I nodded my head over to a boy with lavender hair in an olive green gi that was complaining to Bulma. That must be her son. "That boy over there is just as strong as you."

Goten looked at his competition with skepticism before he glared back up at me. I let out a sigh and ruffled the spikes on his head. This boy loves to fight so much that it wears me out sometimes.

"Ok, think of this as another training session. You'll be pitted against weaker fighters, and I want you to fight at their level." A serious look came over his face as I continued. "This will be good experience for you to learn to control your strength. Once you master this, you can make your opponents think you're not as strong as you are, and this will throw them off guard."

"Fine...," he huffed as he crossed his arms and his black tail lashed a bit behind him until he got it under control. "It doesn't mean I have to like it though."

"Tell you what." My words made him perk up as I rose to my feet. "I'll throw in some super saiyan training to make it up to you, and if you beat that other boy, I'll teach you my finisher technique."

"Really?!" His black eyes sparkled as he grinned, and his tail started to wag. "You'll teach me the Star Shine?!"

I giggled as I watched Goten bounce on his feet. He grabbed one of my hands in a tight grip the longer I went without responding to his question.

"Yes, Goten, but only if you win." I bent over a little at my waist as I lifted my free hand with my index finger extended. "Now, I need to go register, but I'll be back over here as soon as I can get."

"You got it, Mom!" The boy gave me a salute as I straightened. The announcer called for the kids to line up, and Goten turned to follow the others. "See you later, Mom!"

I shook my head in fond exasperation as I headed to a courtyard to see a man demolish the punching machine the fighters were using. I blinked a bit in shock until I caught sight of the man. He was dressed in a navy blue training suit with white gloves and boots, and his hair stuck up like a flame.

'Must be Vegeta.' I thought as I remembered Kami's description of the other saiyan prince. Then I realized what this meant. 'Great...thanks to that hothead, I'm going to miss the majority's of Goten's matches!'


I just managed to get my score in before the final match of the junior division started. I smothered a snicker once those that were left saw my score of 215, and I hurried up to the stands to find a good place to watch the fight.

Sure enough Goten was standing beside the announcer on one side and the lavender haired boy was on the other. I moved over to the side of the stadium closest to my son and sat on the metal railing. His eyes found me and he gave me an excited wave as the blond man lifted the microphone to his face.

"Alright, everyone! Before we start the final match, let's get to know our other fighter! You've heard about Trunks, now it's this young man's turn." He placed a hand on Goten's shoulder as he kneeled down to hold the microphone to the boy. " Tell us your name."

"Hi! I'm Goten Yasai and I'm seven years old!" He waved at the crowd making some of the women coo at his unintentional cuteness. His gi fluttered as his tail twitched behind him from where he had it coiled under his shirt. "I've been training in martial arts as soon as I could walk!"

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