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I love that picture its so funny

J-Dog:jorel (or J sometimes)
J3T/Johnny 3 Tears: George
Charlie Scene:Jordan
Funny Man: Dylan
Da Kurlzz: Matthew (or matt)
Alright here we go,yes deuce/Aron will be included buttttttttttttt he will a enemy of the band and umm well lets just say I have my plans for him in the story *smirks*hehe oh nothin
(Oh and if you do like deuce than you might or might not wanna read this and I quick warning

WARNING:this may contain self harm and stuff like that so if you are very sensitive or are just sensitive to the topic I will try my best to warn you if it will be mention in a certain part or if you would like just stop reading right now its your choice

Ok oh and these are my ages for oldest to youngest, this is just who is older and younger for this story ok so don't get mad if you don't like it or some stuff

J3T (Johnny 3 Tears
Charlie Scene
Funny Man

And they all live in the same house (execpt for deuce who lives somewhere els)(and there will be rooms for the kids) lets just say it a really big house)

And all the cuss words will be censored

That is all you may read now

J3T(Johnny 3 Tears) P.O.V

Wait why are we adopoting a kid I asked looking a Matt. Cause I think I will be fun he answered. So are will all getting a kid Jorel asked. Yes Jordan said. Well what are we waiting for lets go Dylan said walking outside and we all followed him.
Matt was in the driver seat and Dylan was in the passenger seat beside him.Jordan and Jorel sat in the backseat so I decided I would sit in the very back with Danny.

Soon we were on our way to the orphanage as our song "Undead"came on the radio, we all sang along to our parts. And soon enough we were at the orphanage and walking inside. We looked around and we soon made are way to the front desk. Hello there and how may I help the lady at the front desk asked us. Umm, were looking to adopt some kids Danny said. She looked at us for a moment before replying with "Your the band Hollywood Undead right she asked she obviously recognizing us.

Yes that would be us, why you a fan or something Matt asked seeing that she didn't look like she would be into our music. No but I've seen pictures from some of the children here she replied and I think I have you all the perfect kids she said as she walked off motioning us to follow her. We followed her and we soon stopped at a door. This is Jemma's room other wise know as "Little Devil" and this is where her and her friends hangout she said before walking off leaving us standing outside the door.

Why would she call a kid "Little Devil" Jorel asked. I don't know but lets find out I said opening the door and right then everything made since. There on the bed sat a girl in a black a red hoodie that had devil horns on the hood, and the hoodie showed a cute picture of demon cluntching a pitch fork. We stepped in everbody noticed except for her. Jemma! A short boy shouted trying to get her attention. What she said stopping half way through to chorus of the song lion.

Look he shouted pointing to us. She took one glance at us and I swear her eyes nearly popped out her head. This is a dream this has to be she stated. Nope no dream Danny said "oh and you have a very pretty voice". Um thank you she said obviously still not believing this was real. A girl with dark brown hair nearly black looked us. So who are you she asked. Jemma I think was her name face palmed. Seriously I've explained this a hundred times before Skylar she said.

Addopted By Hollywood UndeadWhere stories live. Discover now