Taking out Frustration

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I have absolutely no excuse for not updating, sorry

Danny's P.O.V

I got to Frostbite without any trouble.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as I landed before him.

"Not really, I was just wondering if you could help me take out some frustration."

"Oh course! Now how do you take out frustration? Talk it out, find a passive-aggressive way to help yourself feel better?"

"Normally I just punch the unliving day lights out of the nearest evil ghost."

"To the battle field then!"

With Sam & Tucker right after Danny took off
Sam's P.O.V

Wow. Tucker he... he kissed me? Why? I thought Danny was the one with the crush. After about 5 seconds of him kissing me, I'm pretty sure he realized what he was doing and pulled away.

"Sorry Sam, I di..." He started only for me to shut him up with another kiss. I never would have guessed Tucker would be so good a kissing. Maybe I really should just give up on Danny.

Danny's P.O.V

Another of the Ice Bear Ghost Warriors (what are they called) came at me only for me to hit him with an ecto-blast. This isn't helping they aren't fighting like what I'm used to: big bads, villainess master minds, and.... whatever the box ghost would be. They all fight with passion, these guys aren't.

"Thanks Frostbite, I fell a whole lot better, but I should head back before someone escapes and threatens the human world." I was lying through me teeth.

"Oh course, good luck, Phantom." Frostbite waved as I took off.

All anyone wants it Phantom: Mom and Dad want his head, Sam and Tucker just apparently want the adventures, the town just wants the hero, heck even all Vlad wants is the perfect ghost son. Why doesn't anyone just want Fenton?

"If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times! I. WILL. NOW. BE. YOUR. FRIEND!"

Speaking of which.

Sorry guys lots of school work just hit me and I had to update my other stories too, so you should go read them 'enter shameless self advertising here'

PEACE & Happy Thanksgiving

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