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Dedicated to kittykatismyname because she persuaded me to do this and she is beyond awesome

I do not own most of the ideas in this book, they belong to the genius that is J.K. Rowling. 


The Hogwarts Express had not been late setting off since the school started. Lucy Adams had been late several times since the years had started, and it was only five to eleven. Unfortunately that meant she only had five minutes to get to Platform 9 and 3/4s. Considering she was still half a kilometre away, it was going to be pretty tight.

She pulled her heavy suitcase behind, the purple embroidered initials L.A. standing out against the faded leather. In her other hand she carried a old silver cage with a Great Grey Owl in it, looking indignant and letting out a squawk of protest every time Lucy banged the cage. This, between her legs and her suitcase, was quite a lot.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” she shouted behind her as she pushed past a group of tourists at the entrance to King’s Cross Station. She had never been this way and the size of the building astounded her. But she didn’t wonder too long, as a glance at her watch showed that she had two minutes left. Her long auburn hair flowed behind her as she put on a burst of speed. She was not about to miss the train! That train led to all her dreams and freedom. She ran across the bridge, swerving between commuters that didn’t even look up as an unaccompanied small eleven year old girl pushed past them with a large suitcase and an owl.

As she bumped down the stairs, Eirian gave up protesting and folded her head under her wing.

Lucy ran past a clock bearing the time 10:59. One minute to go. Platform 9 and 10. Now to find a place to pass through to Platform 9 and ¾s. There. Lucy just ran for it, straight towards it. Just as she thought she was going to crash straight into a wall, she passed through to another world. Instead of a diesel train towing plastic models, there was the Hogwarts Express, proudly at the front of the long convoy of beautiful carriages that shined in a light that had not been present a moment before.

Lucy headed straight for a door, not caring whereabouts on the train she ended as long as she got on. She clambered on, pulling her trunk after her onto the safety of the last carriage on the train. She bent over, trying to regain the breath she had lost in the long race to get here on time.

Trust today to be the one day that her alarm didn’t work, the day that the toaster broke that should have been replaced somewhere in the 1950’s, the day that the bus didn’t turn up for ten minutes, and then of course, three came at once.

She almost fell over as the train jerked into motion and slowly started speeding up. Leaning on her case she caught her breath. Satisfied she had her breath back; she opened the door to the carriage. Immediately she was assailed by the chattering of hundreds of students that had been masked by the door. Thankfully she only had to walk past a couple of compartments before she found an empty one. Her hair was everywhere and she was red from the exertion of running most of the way there.

She slid the door open and sat down next to the window, so she could see the scenery that was whizzing past. Scenery that so far, had included the outskirts of London, and views into people’s gardens. She had counted three trampolines in a row when she heard a knock on the door.

She turned around and almost screamed.


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