Kaiden part. 2

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Drews pov

Its lunch time and were playing football. So far my teams winning. Danny walked off the field probably to get water but we kept playing without her.

The bells about to ring and danny still hasnt come back to the game so i went to go for her. I found her by the water fountain. She looked pale and lost. She had her phone clenched in her hand. Her knuckles were really white because of her grip on it. I tried to get her attention, when i got it she didnt sound like herself. She sounded upset but she didnt tell me why. The rest of the day went by with her avoiding all of us.

Now the final bells about to ring and i could see she was ready to run out the classroom but i was ready to grab her arm before she could leave.

When the bell rang she jumped from her seat and was about to run but before she could get to the door i grabbed her arm. I tried to get her to tell me whats wrong as we were going for our boards but she didnt break.

Right when we got to the gate i saw someone who i didnt think i would see again.

My old best friend, Kaiden. Kaidens parents and mine were good friends threw high school so we grew up together. While we were younger we were inseperable we did everything together.

Half way threw fourth grade he moved. Since we were to young we lost contact. And i havent talk to him since he moved.

When i saw him i let go of Dannys hand and walked up to him but he wasnt looking at me.

"How it going Kaiden?" I asked once i got close to him.

"Wait Drew is that u?" He asked while looking at me real quick. Than he went back to looking at something behind me. I nodded we hugged and we continued talking. I looked around looking for Danny and I see her standing in the same place I left her looking terrified. I looked back at Kaiden to see him smirking at her.

"Kaiden man u good?" I asked him.

" Yea why wouldn't I be?" He said looking back at me but kept glancing at Danny.

"Do you know her or something or why do u keep looking at her?" I asked getting annoyed that he keeps looking at her.

"Yea. She went to the middle school I went to after I moved away. She was so annoying no one like her everyone always beat her up and made fun of her. Do you know her?" He asked but I was to dumbfounded to answer. I just looked at him and without any hesitation punched him in the face. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?! Why did you punch me!?!"

Before I could respond Danny was by my side looking at me like I'm crazy. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Kaiden. I'm pretty sure she noticed I was really mad because she didn't say anything she just walked along side with me quietly waiting for me to say something.

I absent mindedly stopped and turned to look at her, but she was already looking down at her feet. I lifted her head up to make her look at me, but she tried her best to avoid eye contact she looked anywhere but at me. " Danny?? Please just look at me." When she did what I saw broke me. I have never seen her this sad. Her bright hazel eyes that are usually full of life are a dull grayish color that are full of tears and becoming red and puffy from her crying and trying to wipe the tears away.

"Drew please don't look at me like that. I'm sorry I never told you but that exact look. The look I hate with a great passion is the reason I didn't tell you. I didn't want anything to change between us." She said her eyes getting watery once again.

"Danny if u  would've told me nothing would've happened, nothing would've changed. We would've still been the same we still are but please don't hide anything from me anymore." I said as I pulled her into a hug not wanting to let her go. Thinking if I held on to her forever nothing could hurt her anymore everything would fine, but I know I cant hold her forever no matter how much I tried but honestly I don't think she would have a problem with that.

"Drew... Thank you." she said looking me in the eyes. "Your the first person to ever stick up for me. I have never told anyone about Kaiden. But I'm pretty sure Kaiden didn't even tell u half of it so if u want to hear the whole thing we can go to mine and ill tell u everything u want to know while we eat."

836 words

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