Remember Me (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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Katerina's POV


Today is the day I am starting a fresh new page in my life . Also, today was the first day of school. That first day nervousness will probably cling on me throughout this whole day. What ever happens I just want to forget those painful memories.

I was in the hospital for almost a year my parents said it was just a car accident. I know there is something way beyond that occurred. Somehow I can feel they are lying to me about everything. I have no idea how I got in a car accident. Its like my life before that was entirely erased. I can't remember anything before being stuck in the hospital for ages.

My parents just told me to not to attempt to remember what happened. Whenever I chat about that topic they tell me to drop it. They are lying to me.

"Honey you better be down here in five minutes or else Im leaving without you. Plus, its your first day of school you must not be late." mom called me from downstairs.

"I'll be down there just wait!" I quickly combed my hair with my fingers and grabbed my bag.

There is just so many questions buzzing in my head. Will I make friends? Will I get judged? Am I going to like my new school? This seems really odd, but the most thing Im concerned about right now is my outfit. It consisted a plain white cropped top and my black skater skirt. I threw on my denim vest and white converse. To be honest, Im terrified of going to school. Even if I have like no memory of first days.

Mom placed a protein bar in the front pocket of my bag and we both exited the house. She started the vehicle and headed onto the road going to the direction of the school. Somehow the way to school looks very familiar to me its like I've been here before. That probably is just one of my suspicions.

The car came to an abrupt halt when this large yet familiar building was in front of me. I bid mom a goodbye before exiting the car and headed towards the people. Cheerleaders that were practicing their routines stopped and stared at me. Just then, I realized everyone's eyes were on me. Geez, am I the only new kid in this place? I entered the school looking at every single door for the main office. My eyes shifted from left to right looking for the main office. There has to be someone I can ask help for.

"Need any help?" someone's husky voice interrupted my search for the office. I spun around and my eyes met with familiar piercing green orbs. I stared at how amazing his eyes were for a moment. I swear he might think Im weird for doing that.

Now Im just wondering why everything seems so , familiar.

" Actually yes I am, I just wanted to know where the office is?" I gave a small grin.

"At the end of the hallway just turn left and its basically the first door to your left" he gestured in arms as he spoke.

"Thanks..." I gave him a 'I have no idea what your name is' look.

He seemed to understand because he said "Harry Styles".

That's another familiar thing today, I don't get it it's like I know him. Its like I've know him for years.

"Im-" he totally cut me off.

"Lets me guess Katerina Brooks. Good luck on your first day Kat!" he waved while walking away.

What the hell? How did he know what my name is? How did he know its my first day? How did he know my nickname is Kat? He must be one of those mysterious or stalker guys. That is just plain weird. You normally don't expect for someone to just know your name just like that.

My feet padded across the tiles while I followed the direction Harry specifically instructed. I grasped the door know to reveal a lady smiling at me. She welcomed me to the school and explained my schedule. It turns out for first period I had English, for second I had Calculus, for third PE, for fourth Study Hall, and French. That was better than I expected I thought I would have Biology or History.

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