Chapter 1: A Bad Day

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Chapter 1: A Bad Day

I took one final look at myself in the mirror and smiled. It was a blessing my medium-length dark brown hair was cooperating. I had added light brown highlights yesterday and they looked awesome.

I had decided to wear my hair down and wore a black crop top with high-waisted ripped jeans. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs for breakfast with high hopes of a good day.

Boy, were those high hopes short-lived.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I was met with a horryfying scene of my older brother and our neighbour, Samantha, devouring each other on the counter.

"It's literally 7.30 in the morning, what the fuck, Jack," I gasped while covering my eyes. They quickly got off the counter and groaned in annoyance.

"Way to ruin a fun time, Karla. Why are you up so early anyway?" Jack asked after Samantha left the house in embarrassment. Ugh, I've always hated her guts. Rude bitch.

"In case you've forgotten since you're an idiot, today's the last day of school," I replied smugly, knowing he didn't remember.

As expected, his expression immediately changed into shock as he bolted up the stairs while cursing. I chuckled and ate my cereal while waiting for my brother since he was driving.

Where were my parents, you ask? Well my father was at the hospital as usual since he was a doctor. He worked long hours most of the time but we still had a great bond.

And as for my mother? I don't even want to know, to be completely honest. She left my family a month ago. I was hurt and shocked the first 2 weeks. But, now I felt nothing. Because that was all she was to us. She was just the female adult in our family; she was no where close to being a mother.

"Okay, I'm ready come on," Jack finally came down after 10 minutes. He grabbed an apple and we went out the house into his car.

"You know, you coulda reminded me the last day of school was not yesterday," he said while rolling his eyes.

"Nah, what would be the fun in that?" I replied grinning mischievously and laughing as I remembered him running around the house shouting "YEAH SUMMER BREAK BITCHESSS". He rolled his eyes again and chuckled.

A silence fell upon us before I asked him,"You're still upset, aren't you?". We stopped at a red light and he looked at me with surprise. After a few seconds, he sighed and nodded his head while looking ahead.

In my mind, I was disappointed. He should not be feeling upset over our mother - he should not be feeling anything.

"Oh," was all I managed to say to him. I knew he was upset since he was making out with Sam. I know it sounds weird but my brother would always find girls to screw whenever he was upset over something.

My thoughts were interrupted when we stopped right in front of school.

"Enjoy your last day as a Sophomore," Jack said while ruffling my hair. I glared at him and slapped his hand away.

"Whatever, Junior, you too," I replied and got out of the car. I was immediately surrounded by a group of girls who were bombarding me with questions about how I was going to spend summer break.

"What are you doing during summer?"

"Let's go out together!"

"I'm so gonna miss you ohemgee!"

"You look so good today girlie ugh I wish I was you."


I just stood there with a nervous smile, silently praying my best friend, Lola Pratt, would come to my rescue.

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