Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:
I woke up the next morning in the comfiest bed I've ever slept in, I felt like a princess. But then I remembered what the girl who had my heart was with someone else and my chest concaved in with raw emotions; hurt, anger, sadness. I rubbed my eyes, forcing back the tears I wouldn't waste on her. I can't walk out of my room with bloodshot eyes showing her what I'm feeling; it's obvious both of us are hiding feelings and secrets and I won't be the first to back down. Out of the corner of my eye see something moving from the wardrobe and I crane my neck to try and get a better look, but after a minute or two of silence I let it go.
I slowly slide out of the bed and stretch before my stomach growls at me, I really need to start eating properly again. I open my door and poke my head out, noticing the place was silent, she probably wasn't up yet. I was kind of glad, it'd give me time to sort things out and eat on my own. I plod down the corridor and make my way into the kitchen but I stop dead in my tracks when I see someone already in there. She had her back to me as she cooked something over the stove. I didn't really know what to do or who she was until she turned around and noticed me.
"Oh hi, I didn't see you there" she says with a bright smile that contrasted to her dark skin. She was stunning, her long black hair was flowing down her front and her clothes were clearly designer. "Eh-hi, I'm Camila" I say and stick out my hand for her to take. She does and shakes it as I feel the softness of her skin.
"Im Normani, Laurens girlfriend" she beams at me and my whole face falls. This girl, this beautiful girl who looks like something out of a magazine is the person who took her from me. My heart aches again and it all hits me; I don't have a fucking chance.
"And you are?" She asks after I go off into a haze.
"Oh I'm eh-I'm just a friend of hers from a while ago" I say in a small voice and I couldn't bring myself to look at her anymore.
"That's so cute, I'm glad Laur's found old friends in the city. She was so worried about moving out here since she didnt know anyone but me..but it seems like she's got someone after all" she chirps but I can't bring myself to even consider a smile. Only im allowed to call her Laur. Only im allowed to be worried about her, shes mine. As a awkward silence sets in I shuffle from one foot to the other until the door opening breaks the silence.
"Hey baby" Normani says to the person behind me and I automatically know who it is.
"Hi gorgeous" she says in a sleepy voice that makes my tummy do back flips; she's obviously not noticed me yet.
"I met Camila here, why do you let guests wonder around without being fed? Have I taught you nothing?" She laughs before Lauren stops dead in her tracks towards Normani. She turns and looks at me sheepishly and I keep my face expressionless as I try to hide that I'm dying inside.
"Good morning" she whispers at me and I just look at the ground, not responding. I feel her gaze on me for a little while longer until she realised im not joking to look back up and she starts back to walking towards Normani and I hear them talk quietly. I busy myself by making coffee and grabbing an apple but as I look up I feel like throwing up. Normani's got her hands buried in Lauren's hair as hers are wrapped around her waist as they play tonsil tennis against the counter. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes and I know i can't stand being here any longer so I take myself out out to the balcony and quickly wipe my tears away. I sit down on the sofa positioned to over look the city and I realise I can't go on like this; I won't be the third wheel to her and her barbie girlfriend. After about 10 minutes I heard the door slide open and I know it's Lauren without even looking.
"Did you get enough to eat?" She asks breaking the silence and I just nod my head. More silence eats at the air and I feel suffocated by all the things I want to scream at her. Was I not good enough?
"I don't think I can stay long" I blurt out not knowing what I was doing.
"Wha-what?" She stutters out and I take a deep breath before turning around to face her. She standing there in a baggy t shirt and shorts and she's never looks so small. Her expression made her look like a little kicked puppy and I wanted to kiss every inch of her.
"Im getting in the way of you and your girlfriend. And I've got things to do" I say quietly and I see her shift from one foot to the other.
"Camila you were homeless when I found you, where are you going to go?" She asks and I know she's seen right through me.
"I need to get back to-back to my boyfriend" I blurt out. Oh my god what was I saying? Whatever I was doing it was working because I saw a flash of what looked like jealously cover her face.
"You've got a boyfriend?" She asks and I nod slowly.
"Sam..his names Sam. And he was looking for me yesterday too, so I need to go see him" I stumble out too.
"Well..." She starts and I can see she's trying to reason with herself.
"Why don't you just..bring him here?" She asks and my jaw flies open.
"I just got you" she whispers and confusion covers my face. "I not going to let you off into the streets to face homelessness again" she finishes but I can see there's more to what she's saying. She cares too much to let me leave her again
"Ill...ill think about it" I say finally and she nods timidly before fumbling with her hands awkwardly.
"If you want, we can go to dinner. Normani and I and you and Sean" she mumbles.
"Sam" I correct her knowing fully well she knew it was Sam.
"Yeah..whatever" I huffs under her breath and I can almost see the jealously pouring out of her.
"Ill ask" I say and she nods again before turning and slowly slinking back to the door before turning to stare at me again.
"You're beautiful in the morning Camila" she whispers before slipping back into the apartment. I mutter curses under my breath because of how my body reacted to her comment; my heart hammered and I felt jolts of excitement pulse through me. How does she know what I look like in the morning? I gasped as I realise that was prob her in my room this morning.
I let out a shaky sigh and wonder what she thinks she's playing at. She's got a girlfriend, normally when people have girlfriends they don't call other girls beautiful. But Laurens not normal, she'll never be normal to me.
"But Sam pleaaaaase" I whine taking his hand over the table.
"Look, I wouldn't ask it from anyone else. I can give you a roof over your head, food and clothes if you do this tiny little thing for me"
"Mila it's not tiny, you're asking me to be a prop in your game of jealously that is completely excessive. You should just tell her how you feel up front" he says as he takes another bite of his sandwich.
"Oh hey Lauren, just wanted to tell you I'd really love if you could leave your girlfriend who you've obviously moved on with and settle down with me" I say in a exaggerated voice and I see him sigh.
"A little less subtle perhaps" he sighs out running a hand through his wavey hair.
"Okay look, ill do it. It could work you know? Ill scrub up and look for a job and eventually get my own place...and if things don't work out with you and Lauren you can move in with me" he said with a small smile and I can't help but return it at his statement.
"Seriously?" I ask with a giggle in my voice and he nods.
"It'll be fun. But I really can't cook, so you'll have to take care of that one" he laughs before finishing his sandwich.
"Well come on then, we better get ready for tonight" I say and pull his huge hand with me as we leave.
"What's tonight?" He asks as we get out onto the cold busy streets.
"Dinner with her and her stupid girlfriend Normani"
"Wait, you mean Normani Kordei? The model Normani? I have literally had a crush on her since I was 15" he says in disbelieve.
"Wait I'm having dinner with her? Tonight?! Oh my god I need a suit and a shave right now" he said dragging me to the hotel as fast as we could.
"Sam she's with Lauren" I say as we ride up the elevator and he freaks out about having dinner with his "wife" tonight.
"And you're 'with' me, I'm not worried about it. Lauren will be drooling all over you and ill swoop in and make my move" he says with a smirk and my mouth drops open.
"Sam! Be professional, we're in loooooovee" I say teasingly as I skip up the hall and I see him jogging behind me with a smile on his face.
An hour later Sam steps out of the bathroom washed, shaved, suited up courtesy of the hotels staff and how far they'll go to lick Laurens ass, hair cut, shoes shined looking amazing.
"Holy shit Sam where did this come from, you look like a model" I say circling him. I almost trip over in my heels and he chuckles as he adjusts his thin tie.
"Well you know, I only bring out the big guns for my future lady" he chuckles but stops when he sees how worried I look.
"Im sorry littler, I'm just nervous. I swear from this second on we're deeply and madly in love" he says tapping my nose with his huge finger.
"Thank you Sammy" I say and step back from him a bit.
"How do I look?" I ask twirling around in the little white dress I was wearing.
"You look so adorable I won't be surprised if Lauren fucks you on the restaurant table" he says and I frown.
"I don't want adorable Sam! I want hot. I have to be hot to create the jealously" I say and I hear him laugh.
"Honey if we act half as in love as I plan on acting tonight she'll be green with jealously" he says giving me a quick hug.
"I won't let you down, I know how much this means to you; how much she means to you" he says and I look down blushing.
"Now, shall we get going m'lady?" He asks in a silly voice and offers me his hand which I take.
"Lets go sugar monkey" I reply with a giggle and I see his face flood with a horrified look.
"Call me sugar monkey in front of Normani and I will tell they about the time Bert the crack head sneezed all over you" he says sassily and I stifle back a giggle.
"Just come on" I say dragging him out the door.

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