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⚠cʀɛɛpy iɳ wʀitiɳg ⚠

Joy? Surprised? Shocked?
Holy Ghoul Arima Kishou is my partner! I couldn't help it but jump into Arima's arms and just. Bear hug him! At first he tensed up but slowly and steady, he relaxed into my big tight hug.

"Im so.. Happy I get to you Arima.. And better yet, as my ghoul investigator partner!" I yell-whisper. While having a big grin on my face.

It happened so quickly.. After a momemt, I feel something soft, a bit cold. But soft, on my lips. Is.. Arima-

"Special class Arima Kishou!" Wait..  Did he just kiss me? On the lips?! While Arima talk with somebody, Im too busy blushing behind him and wondering. Why me?

"Y,N. This is Kureo Mado." Arima says calmly with his always-sp blank expression. Seriously! Are you not fazed that you just-

"Hello! I am Y,N L,N. Nice to meet you Mister Mado. Im always new here!" Stepping in front of Arima I spoke directly at Mado, trying to avoid Arima.

"Oh please darling." Stepping a bit into my personal space, he gives me a crooked smile. "Just call me Mado."

"Yes yes! Mado!" Shaking my head happily up and down, I shake hands with his gloved one and grinned happily.

"Ahem. Y,N. Sir Mado." Going by Mado's side I and Mado stare at Arima in a questioning look on our faces.

"Y,N must go see the Head, since she is new I will be showing her around headquarters." Arima said before walking away down the soft sun lit hallway. Mado!
Quickly swaying on my heels I bow quickly to Mado in respect and a goodbye I run down the hallway following Arima's back.
Well, time has flowed through slowly, just like time. Realization finally strucked me. As I am now.


I dont even know what happened! First Arima kissed me, me meeting Mado. Who is totes so weird but in an awesome way! And now when I was trying to catch up to Arima. I lost him.

Like he just vanished in thin air! Sighing softly I continue to walk around, passing by some open and closed doors. But nobody there. Nor here. Nor here. Nor in this damn hallway!

Pulling out my phone after feeling the vibrant I open my mother's text—

Mom: Honey how are you doing now? Met anybody? How about your partner? They better be strong enough to protect both of you people.

You: Remember Arima Kishou? The cute guy who had blue hair?

Mom: Oh yes! He is such a sweet child. What about my little Arima?

You: He's my partner! I dont have the full details but I think he left the country side to be an investigator.

Mom: TAKE A PICTURE OF HIM! I want to compare! Back then, now.

You: Okay mom, but right now Im kinda lost, he pretty much ditched me when walkin away and not even trying to wait a moment for me to catch up!

Mom: How is everything? Other than being lost. Did you find a good place to keep your luggage till you find a good place to stay?

You: GTG!!!.

Not even a second thought I quickly prews myself against the wall that is placed as a wall from the outside to see if the Taxi Driver noticed my bags and so kind enough to leave them there.

But. I had too much hope and alot to let everything go.
"M-My clothes.." I quietly whisper below my breath realizing, all my clothes are gone.. All. Of. My. Clothes.

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