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Okay first off! Thank you to all the people who requested!! ^_^ specially to those who kept on voting and commenting. (Denka4 TYSM ILY XD)

So all I wanted to say is I'm closing this shop. This book is really disorganized and messy >< (I mean you guys got to agree with me, right?)

I'll be opening a shop again sometime next week. I'll just finish up the final requirements on school (2nd grading is ending). We still have to do a lot of projects and a few performance tasks (I think? I dont really pay attention to class XD). 

Anyways! I hope you guys could visit and support my new shop too!

I'm still thinking about the title but I would be doing new graphics.

You can request for:

[NEW] Wallpapers (any gadget is fine as long you know the screen resolution)
[NEW] Badges (The one you put in contests)
[NEW] YouTube Banners (Still working on this XD)
[NEW] Word GIF 
[NEW] Chapter Image (can be a character banner (character intro), quote image or just the title of the chapter)

[SOON] (I still dont know how to make one) Book Jacket

That's all, I think? If you guys have any graphic that you want me to do I could search it up and add it.

I would be putting up a 'Request Line up' so that you guys would get to know who comes first XD (Published books will have a different line up)

I'm actually still not sure to do it per batch since I dont really want to limit what I can do but.... oh well, lets just wait until next week XD The things I do actually depends on my mood or what I feel so we'll never know XD

So that's about all of it!

New Cover Shop Next Week (Probably Tues or Wed)
- Anime and Kpop Requests ONLY (might accept superheroes like marvel or justice league)
- New Graphics to requests
- Request Line Up

Hope you guys will request there too!

Thank you again for all the votes and requests and I hope to see you guys again on my next cover shop! ^^ (example of word gif below)

Thank you again for all the votes and requests and I hope to see you guys again on my next cover shop! ^^ (example of word gif below)

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