Polls & Answers

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1.) Should I put it in the chapters whether it has chapters in otakumole or not because it's unfair for those who doesn't have accounts? Also because I feel like it's copyright... :|

2.) First Guy or Second Guy? (I'm just curious lol)
First Guy
Second Guy

3.) Should I also recommend mangas that are only in otakumole and not in mangafox or any manga sites? Though I think it's unfair for those who doesn't have accounts and because I feel like it's copyright..

4.) Should I still add some author notes in some manga recommendations? (I feel super annoying so just tell me to stop if it is XD No harsh feelings ahhaha)

5.) Should I change the cover for some mangas that has updated? (You know, those pictures that are in the top?)

6.) Should I add one page of one of the chapters of the manga to let you know what the illustrations of the manga really is? (Of course, non-spoiler pages XD)

Answers of Non-Existent but probably in your mind Questions:

1.) What is otakumole?
Otakumole (originally named raffmanga) (I think..) (or they're probably two different sites but has the same concept or something like that) is also like a manga site (like mangafox etc.) But it has only shoujo mangas. It has chapters that aren't in mangafox etc. And also has some mangas that are only in there. It's a blessing and heaven for us.

2.) What did you mean by saying "for those who have accounts"?
You see, I started using it when it was still raffmanga. Then months came by, it changed to otakumole. I think it was April 2014? I used it a lot, then when my old phone broke, and I got a new one. That was only the time I noticed that people cannot make a registration or a new account anymore. The reason why is unknown, and now, only people who has accounts can read manga there.

3.) What do you mean by saying "it's copyright"?
That's why it has registrations and accounts. It has such raws and translations after all. It forbids copyright. I mean of course it would, if I would say so, shoujo mangas' raws are hard to get a hold of, and they update monthly so you can't blame them, or something like that.

4.) Why are some mangas not updating anymore?
Either the manga is on hiatus. The translators aren't working on it yet. They can't get raws. They're low on translators, typesetters, cleaners etc. Or they're busy. You can go to the sites of some scans. Like chibi manga, summer rain scans etc. You can see on what manga they're working on, or dropped.

5.) What is Second Guy Syndrome?
Hahahaha...it's a terrible syndrome, especially for me...and others...WE KNOW THAT HE WOULDN'T END UP WITH THE MAIN GIRL AND THAT HURTS. Though we don't really hate the first guy at all, it's just that...I like the second guy more! That's all there is to it XD

That's all for now! :D

I'll update again (like seriously, I will) when I have free time...

Also, if you're asking how many more mangas I have...


The mangas here are like...135? Then 30+ more in my bookmarks, 50+ in my open tabs in google...50+ in my screenshots...

So...I Don't know! ^^

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