Chapter 2

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Being a Weasley practically meant you were going to be in Gryffindor. All the twins had to do was wait. Professor McGonagall smoothed out the parchment with the names on it and called, "Bell, Katie!"

The Sorting Hat dropped down over the girl's eyes. "GRYFFINDOR!" it bellowed.

"Cooper, Derrick!"


"Diggory, Cedric!"


This went on for a little while, and by the time Professor McGonagall was halfway through, Fred was thoroughly bored. "Can't they work their way backwards up for one year?" he asked George.

"Towler, Kenneth!"


"Weasley, Fred!"

George marched forward with confidence, and would have sat down on the stool had Percy not called from the Gryffindor table, "George!"

Grinning, Fred jogged up to the stool, while George watched. The Hat didn't hesitate and yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!"

George was next. The Hat had barely touched his flaming hair when it yelled out "GRYFFINDOR!" as well, and George made his way over to where Fred was clapping and grinning.

"Well done, George," Percy said, nodding.

"Absolutely phenomenal job," Fred added. "Terrific, really. Spanking good."

"Shush," said Charlie as Yeats, Kenley was made a Slytherin. "Dumbledore's about to start his speech."

The headmaster indeed was preparing for a speech, straightening in front of the podium. "Welcome back to Hogwarts, students," he said, nodding to each House table in turn. "Firstly, I'd like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Herbert Corman."

A scruffy-looking wizard nodded and smiled at each student amidst scattered applause. Dumbledore smiled and continued. "Mr. Filch would also like me to remind you of the school rules, and of course, the Forbidden Forest must not be visited by any students at any time."

Once Dumbledore finished rattling off the rules, the food appeared onto the plates. Fred hadn't fully registered how hungry he was, having skipped out on the trolley, and didn't hesitate to pile his plate high with chicken, mashed potato, and generous servings of gravy. George, meanwhile, was distracted by the girl named Alicia Spinnet. "So you're twins?" she asked curiously.

"No," said George. "We're next-door neighbors. We met on the Express."

"George," Charlie scolded.

"Sorry," said Fred. "I'm George, by the way."

"And I'm Fred," George said, spearing a steak with his fork. A couple of seats away, Bill smirked into his plate, while Percy only rolled his eyes.

Once the last traces of desserts had disappeared, Bill stood and waved his hands. "First years, follow me!" he called, while Charlie walked off to make sure nobody lagged behind. With Bill leading and the twins close behind him, the Gryffindors made their way to their common room in the tower.

"The password's broom wax," said Bill over his shoulder, and repeated it to the Fat Lady, who swung aside. Fred and George gazed around at the common room they'd be making themselves at home in and grinned at each other--only to yawn at the same time. Bill laughed. "Alright, I see you're all pretty tired," he said, nodding at Lee Jordan, who was rubbing his eyes. "Boys, you can follow me to your dorm--Dianne, you can take the girls."

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