First year cadet training (Eren x Diamond)

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(Diamond's pov)
Today is the 104th cadet training year. I was here because Like my sister I was gonna become a scout and fight titans I was in the mess hall and saw my best friend Eren in the back. He waved and I waved back blushing. To be honest I had a secret crush on him for a while now but somewhere deep inside I knew he didn't feel the same. I sat by him and ate. We chatted for quite a while until the bell rang for dismissal. I walk out of the mess hall and towards my cabin until Eren punned me to the wall. "E-Eren what are you doing?" I asked blushing. "What Ive wanted to do for a while now." He said as he gently kissed ne. I kissed back happily "I love you Diamond. You are NY secret crush."

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