Hi! I'm Ysabel Seph Laczamana a 16 years old student from Victámor Junior High... And I have a best friends named Jienna and Xierra.. They are my supportive friends..
I am a part of a cheering squad in our school and I am known as the squad leader ...
My mother's name is
Mrs. Ysa Laczamana who's the owner of the LZMN Hotel..My father's name is
Mr. Simion Laczamana who owned the LZMN company,LZMN Arena, and the LZMN Hospital ..I am just only one child in my family ...
I am so really happy !!!!
RomanceCharacters: Ysabel Seph Laczamana Xander Kinn Bautista Sopporting Char: Karl Homonzon Mike Ray Gonzales Jienna Samonte Xierra Bautista