Chapter 2 - Mysterious

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It was one of those days where the sky was grey and it seemed like the heavens had broken a damb in the non-existent clouds. Phil was dodging in and out of busy commuters, holding his briefcase over his head.

As he slumped into his old chair at the office, Phil felt a sense of relief, until his boss came in. Behind him, a tall brunette man, dressed in a black suit, matched with a bright red tie and perfectly polished shoes.  "Mr Lester, this is Mr Howell, he's starting today and I want you to show him the ropes," Mr Watts said. "What, like the ropes behind the stage downstairs? Because that's easy enough," Phil joked, causing his boss to laugh. All this time, the brunette man stood quietly behind Mr Watts, nervously looking around the room. "You know what I mean Lester, I'll speak to you later about how you get on," he replied, before leaving Phil's office. "Hi, I'm Phil," he said, standing up and holding his hand out. "Dan," Mr Howell replied, shaking his hand. "Come, and I'll explain as we walk," Phil said, brushing Dan's shoulder as he walked past him.

Phil worked as a finance manager in a production company, producing a range of shows every year. The first room they entered was the kid's club rehearsal studio. "This is our kid's club room. We run an hour long session twice a week, Tuesday and Friday, from five till six for the older children and a half hour session twice a week, Monday and Thursday, from four thirty till five for the younger ones. Shall we move on?" Phil explained hurriedly, leading Dan down the corridor once again.

"So what department are you starting in?" he asked. "I'm the new script writer," Dan replied slowly, trying his hardest to keep up with Phil. "You must have a pretty good imagination then huh?" he asked. Dan shrugged as they entered the next room. "OK, so, this is the ticket office or reception, or whatever you want to call it, kind of explains itself really. Linda!" he called. A lady in her late fifties appeared from the cupboard, "Yes Phil," she said. "This is Dan, the new script writer," Phil replied, gesturing towards the man in the black suit. "Nice to meet you Dan, but I really have to get these seat numbers organised, if you'll excuse me," she smiled, dissappearing back into the cupboard. The room was relatively large, three computers sat on one long, white desk, in front of a pane of glass that faced the entrance. "I'll show you the theatre, come on," Phil nodded towards the double doors at the end of the corridor.

As Phil swung open the doors, the sound they created against the walls echoed throughout the hall. Dan flinched back, "Why did you do that?" Phil shrugged: "I dunno, just felt like it," he replied. "Yes, but why was it nessacery?" Dan persisted.  "I don't know!" Phil shouted. "I'm going for lunch, you can show me the rest of this place after," Dan rolled his eyes, trudging off back down the corridor. "What's his problem?" Phil muttered to himself, closing the doors, locking them, before walking back to his office.

Dan never came back to Phil's office for the rest of the tour, but as he was heading home, he noticed Dan joking about with the lighting man, Sam. Dan looked towards Phil, glaring as he did so. He snapped his head back towards Sam, continuing their conversation. Phil felt a pang of jealousy run down his spine, but wait. Why was he jealous? It's not like he knew Dan, or even liked him for that matter. Or did he?

Hi people! If anyone actually reads this.....

Anyways this chapter has been long awaited, but I wasn't able to log into this account because I had broken my phone. But I'm back now, and this was a Looooonnnnggggg chapter. Thanks for reading! ~Caitlyn

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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