Late Night Skypes

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Bitty's eyes flickered over the screen waiting for the magic light to pop up signalling Jack was on Skype. Bitty combed his fingers through his hair and pushed his strawberry blonde locks back.
After what seemed like centuries to the younger boy, he finally saw the light and Bitty immediately called Jack and layed down on his stomach. Jacks face popped up after a few seconds of annoying music.
"Hi honey-" Bitty stopped after seeing what was on his screen. A naked guy who had only a towel on and was pretty hot- no smoking hot. Oh yeah, it was Jack. His Jack. Jack noticed his boyfriends expression and smirked.
"Hey babe, see something ya like?" Jack asked teasing the junior. Bitty adverted his eyes to the side and his blush grew to a bright red. Bitty bit his lip to hold back a moan of sorts as he palmed him self through his boxers.
"I um...I-".
"What's wrong Bits? Cats got your tounge~?"
Jack continued to tease his cute boyfriend. The older man could see Bittle's hand move lower than the camera showed. What a shame. Jack put the laptop on his bed and aimed it only at his torso. He stood up and pushed his towel down a bit, showing his beautifully defined 'v line'.
Bitty unintentionally let out a whimper and immediately covered his mouth, surprised at the noise that had escaped his lips.
Jack leaned down the the camera and looked at Bitty.
"Let out those noises babe~". Jack stood back up and went to his dresser that was seem in the corner of the camera. Jack was facing away from the camera and he took off his towel, letting Bitty see his nice ass.
Sadley, it was the only this he could see since Jack wasn't facing the camera on purpose. Jack grabbed and put on a pair of black, tight boxers that complimented his...well...huge dick. Bitty let out a quiet whimper that apperantly wasn't quiet enough to go unheard by Jack. When Jack looked back at the camera he chuckled.
"What's wrong Bits? Wanted to see more~?"
Damn. Jack was good at this teasing thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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