Redheads, Blonds and Brunettes

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"And do you know that when a hippo is in tension there sweat turns pink." Kady told me.

"Shut up Kady that's gross, I don't want to know that shít." Christina said from behind.

"Oh my god Chris stop fuckîng  swearing." Kady said innocently. But I guess realization hit her really hard and her eyes widened.

"Oh lord I said a bad word." She stopped dead in her tracks and gripped Chris's arm tightly.

"Please come with me to the church I need take a bath in holy water." She whispered in Chris's ear but I her voice was pretty loud.

She dragged her all the way towards the parking lot. I was surprised that how someone like Kady can be so strong to drag a 5'10 girl so easily.

"She's so dramatic" Elvira said as we walked towards our classroom.

"Nope not as dramatic as you." I said to her and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Where's Aria?" I questioned her.

"Oh well she called me in the morning And said that she will be late for school because she is going to give her little brother a bath." I laughed loudly. Aria's brother Joe never take shower for weeks so it is her duty to force him in the bath tub.

"I bet her mother pays her for that." Elvira whispered to me like it was a secret but I just shook my head at her thinking. But maybe her mother pays her for that 'cause it's not easy to wash someone who practically smells like a jock's used socks.

"Hey Audrey." Stella greeted. She wasn't my friend but she was the captain of school's girls soccer team.

"Hey Stella." I greeted back. I don't know what the fućk she needs from me but I know something mushy was going on in her mind.

"Someone told me that you're good in gymnasts, so I thought that if you want you can join the other girls for cheerleading practice in the gym." She said.

Yes, it was true that I can do flips and shít but wearing tight skirts and blouses isn't my style. I'm more of a good girl that does bad stuff and cusses a lot. And don't even start with the fake blondes. I hate them.

A lot.

"Sorry not interested." I said and stepped ahead leaving her there staring at my ass.

I just knew that she was into chicks.

I heard Elvira laughing behind me, "You got it girl, you should have seen her face, it looked like the devil just dragged her into hell and don't even start about her checking out your butt." She said and wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed at her.

That's what I like about her, she's this carefree person who doesn't gives a damn to her haters.

Entering in the classroom I looked at the same old site in front of me. Three or four girls whispering something to each other probably along with lines like 'We hooked up last night but his penny was even smaller then a penny' or 'I made out with my best friend's boyfriend' and many other examples. One jock who is probably picking his nose, One girl who is looking for a lipstick in her purse, a punk whose giving everyone a nasty look that resembles his face and some girls and boys who are wondering why are they even here in the first place and then there is me who just wants to play with her dog at the moment.

I looked around for an empty seat and my eyes caught a empty chair in the middle of the class. See it's really simple I'm not one of those people who says they are goody two shoes but always sits at the back of the class. I'm more of a if-you-see-a-empty-seat-have-it kind of a person. I looked around and noticed no one from my creepy squad was here.

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