rant 11

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That moment your rivals (twins)  since 1st grade actully start to get along. this will be a loong rant like very long.

ok so a few weeks ago a friend and I are doung truth and dare and she Has a crush on my rival so its kind of weird so she starts doing truths like "on a scale 1 to 10 how cute do you think they are" me being me says "1" so later she says "what do you hate about them" I answer "everything, but mostly when they make me laugh for no reason so in the bus later I have them (the rivals) on my bus so im listening to music until its almost to my stop and so I take one ear bud out and start talkin with them and so they say somthing funny so I laugh and I hate it so for the past how ever long I laugh because of them and just yesturday I told them that my friend had a crush on one of them. Sooo yeah and like last year I was really fucked up still am but I was at a sleepover and I had a dream.... so long story short I was on the play ground when one of them comes up and kisses me I like jolt out if my sleep freakin out like frick. So yeah this is a new year and we are getting to like eachother as friends maybe just accantences but who knows but yeah still
rant 11 DONE

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