Chapter 10

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I come out of hiding and Alex looks at me. "I bet you know how it happened. Am I right Leo?" He asks smiling and rubs his hand together. "You used some kind of poison that can kill vampires and not humans, so you have your hands covered in that poison and with on touch to the skin of a vampire will die within two hours." I say holding my anger back and he claps and points at me.

"Very good Leo. Very good, but you. Oh no, I have something else in mind but, but that is going to have to wait. Bye Leo. I'll see you soon." He leaves and I give Zero a proper vampire grave and I say. "I'm sorry Zero. I wish you could help me more. But all in all. You're my friend and I'll see that you can rest in peace." 

Leo The Hybrid (Half  Vampire and Half Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now