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Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish (Astronomyy remix)

Have you ever had a dream that you know you had but you don't remember any details? That's how I feel right now. The only thing that I remember is a set of brown eyes with a very subtle hint of green. They had to be the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen in my life. I've never seen anything like it. But that is all I can remember. No details. Nothing. Only the brown-green eyes. Some call it hazel. 


I woke up the next morning with the sun beaming on my face. My head was pounding. I felt like throwing up. I groaned and draped my arm over my face, blocking the sunlight. I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I didn't bother sitting up or even opening my eyes.
"Roselyn." It was Ethan. He spoke softly.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I searched for my phone, desperate for the time. Before I found it, I leaned over and threw up in a trash can that was placed next to my bed.
"Grayson told me to tell you to take the day off."
God is really on my side today.
I nodded. "Thank you." My throat burned. My head was pounding. I feel like shit.
Ethan remained in my door way, not saying anything. He let out a soft sigh and walked over to my bed, holding out a hand. "Here, let's get you cleaned up."
I took his hand and slowly sat up. The sheets fell, revealing my exposed breasts.

What the fuck?

I quickly dropped Ethan's hand and brought the sheets up to my neck. I could feel heat rise up to my cheeks. I kept my head down, focusing only on the sheets. I wish he would just leave. He let out a sigh and walked into the restroom. A silk robe was in his hand. I took the robe and wrapped it around me. I slowly stood up, Ethan instantly wrapping his arm around my waist, supporting me. He took me to the restroom and pointed to the floor. "Sit, you're going to throw up again, I promise." I obeyed and leaned against the tub next to the toilet.

Boy, was he right.

I had thrown up about four times now, and my head was hurting ten times worse. I chugged about three water bottles and ruined too many rags to count.

"How are you feeling?" Ethan walked in with another water bottle and handed it to me.

"Like shit." I opened the bottle and took a couple drinks.

"You look like it." He said with a slight grin.

"I don't doubt it." I pushed some strands of hair out of my face.

"You need to shower. You smell like shit as well."

Honestly, I did. I desperately needed a shower. But standing would be a big issue.

"I don't think I can stand for that long."

He stayed silent, as if he was thinking. "Then take a bath."

That wasn't such a bad idea to be honest. I nodded, agreeing.

Ethan walked over to the tub and turned on the water. "I'll be right back." He exited the bathroom and came back with a couple bath bombs. Why the fuck does he have these? I guess my facial expressions asked the same question. "They're soothing." He shrugged.

I slowly nodded, trying not to smile. I would have never expected him to have these. I smelled a couple before choosing the one that is white with rose petals in it, tossing it in the water. I watched it as it fizzed up, spinning in different directions, releasing a glorious aroma in the bathroom. I already felt a little better.

"Here, let me help you." He held out his hand, helping me stand up. I'm not sure why but not only did my body ache, it was ridiculously sore. Mostly around my thighs. I could hardly walk. He began untying the string wrapped around my waist that was holding my robe together. I looked at him as if he had just lost is ever loving mind. "Roselyn, I've seen a naked woman before, calm down." I sighed, and avoided eye contact. I could already feel myself getting red. "Here, walk over here." He lead me to the edge of the tub and slid the robe off my shoulders, revealing my naked body. I instinctively held my breath, trying to contain my stomach fat. "Relax." He said as I slowly stepped in the tub, holding onto his hand so I don't slip. I sat down, allowing the warm water to hover over my body. It felt really nice. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I could hear a match being struck. I looked over to see Ethan lighting a couple candles. Why is he being so nice? He has never been this way towards me. "Just relax, okay?" He said, standing in the door way. I nodded and he turned off the lights and walked out, leaving the bathroom door cracked. The entire room was dim. It smelt glorious. My headache was subsiding. I was beginning to feel better. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I couldn't help but think about these eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

After about thirty minutes, the water was becoming cold so I figured it was a good time to get out. I shifted my self to where I could stand. My legs instantly began to quiver. Why the fuck are my legs so sore?! I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I blew out the candles, causing the entire room to go dark. As soon as I turned the lights on, my jaw dropped to the floor. There were bruises spread all over my neck and breasts. I lowered the towel slowly, revealing bruises on my hips and a line down the middle of my stomach. I turned around and my ass was practically purple. Who did this?! How did this happen?! I quickly wrapped the towel around my body, covering the bruises. I pressed on one on my neck. It was tender but it didn't hurt like a normal bruise.

"IS THIS A FUCKING HICKEY?!" I said loudly.

Ethan appeared in my doorway in seconds with a worried look on his face. When he realized what the problem was he began laughing. "Damn. He did you good."

"Who?!" I threw my arms in the air.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!"

"Did you see me leave with anyone?"

"I left early, so, no. I have no idea."

I let out a sigh. What the fuck is wrong with me? I seriously slept with a random fucking guy. I need to go get tested for freaking STDs. I looked at Ethan, worried.


"What if I have a STD?" He began laughing loudly. "I'm serious! There is nothing worse than getting an STD from a drunk one night stand!"

"I can assure you, it could be worse." He was still laughing.

"Enlighten me, Mr. Dolan."

"Well, in your case, pregnancy. Or if the man was Grayson."

Oh my God.

The eyes.

They were Grayson's.


Heyo! I wanted to use this chapter as a formal intro to our good friend, Ethan! I know this chapter was a little boring but the next chapter is much better. It will involve a lot more of Grayson.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm getting sick so that's gr8 lol. Have a great day! :)

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