Laurgie: 'I BLAME YOU!'

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As Logie shut down his computer, he looked at the cieling.  He played games all day, and he was tired.

"Ugh." He said as he took out his phone to text Mackie.

Long story short, she didn't reply until  it was 11:15.

'Hey, I had a ton of homework. You still awake?'


'But it's 11:15 for you! Why you no be sleeping?!'

'Because I'm not tired.'

'Then be tired!'

'I can't'

'*sigh* Oh well. Whatchya doing?'


After hitting send by accident because of a noise he heard from his computer, he glared at his phone. That's when he heard the noise again.

"That's weird." He said as he looked at his computer. He waited a few minutes, and then went to bed thinking it was just him hearing things because he's tired.

Only 45 minuets later, (because he always stays up until like 4 freaking 30 am) he woke to hear the noise again. He stared at his computer after grabbing his flashlight. Just then, there was the sound of a screen shattering, and Logie yelled. Not screamed, YELLED.

There was now a guy in his room.

He looked like Laurance from Minecraft Diaries, but he wasn't sure. He got out of his bed, and walked to the guy.

"Who are you? How did you get here?" He asked.

"I'm Laurance. I came through the computer of course." He said, and smiled.

"Okay, why are you in my house?" Logie asked.

"I've been watching you for awhile." He said, stepping closer to Logie. Logie stepped back, and Laurance laughed.

"Aw, you scared?" He asked.

"Kind of. You're supposed to be fake." Logie said.

"Well, not anymore!" Laurance said, and then he grabbed Logie. Logie felt himself being pulled into his computer by Laurance, grabbing his phone in the process. He took a picture of himself and Laurance, and sent it to Mackie.

'I BLAME YOU!' He texted to her as he sent the text. He dropped his phone, and...

And then he woke up.

Logie looked around, not in his usual bedroom, and not in his usual house. He looked in the room next to his, and saw brown hair, and red eyes. On his hand, Logie saw three words in dried blood.

'You are mine"

Now Logie is stuck in the nether, hidden by Laurance, and somehow safe from harm.

The end!!

Okay Logie. We can give prompts for what kind of stories we want, okay? Nothing specific, just the universe and stuff.

Prompt: season 3 of MCD.

That's all!


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