Zackie : Familiar Faces

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Prompt: MyStreet Season 2

Mackie was away on a camping trip with her school when she started getting spammed by the one and only Logie (cause I'm just that fabulous) Mackie messaged him saying the she was away and might not be able to talk long. She was away on a walk and sat by a river and continued to message Logie. He kept asking why Mackie was away because she hates the outdoors. It was around 11 pm so it was around 4 am for Logie before he left to go get some sleep when Mackie started to walk back to the camp site she kept seeing people walking around a long way from the camp so she decided she would go over to see if she knew them but as she got to the person Mackie said "do I know you? I recognise you"
He just laughed. The person grabbed Mackie's hand and dragged her though a portal as she reached the other side she noticed that it was not a random person but it was Zane. Mackie was trying not to fangirl because she was with Zane at Love~Love Paradise but not only was Zane there but everyone else too,  Zane was dragging her around  the house because he wanted to take her somewhere. Later Zane had taken Mackie down to the beach and they started talking for a few hours. They were interrupted by Garroth and Laurance throwing water balloons everywhere. Zane and Mackie ran away because they didn't want to get soaked by the water balloons so they went into a small shop on the island and they got some ice cream and while they were walking back to the house Mackie tripped..............

End Of Dream

"Wait... awww, noooo was that all a dream. That's annoying!" Mackie said sitting up beside the river where she fell asleep.

"Well I guess it's time I tell Logie about the dream or should I annoy him about being shipped with Laurance?" She asked herself

"You know what lets do both!" She said getting her phone out her pocket and messaging Logie

The end!

Btw That last part is Mackie almost everyday!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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