Chapter five

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Hiccups pov :
I'm so stupid. Why did I ran away from them. When my dad said that she is my mom I was in total shock, I didn't know what am I doing.
Thootles must saw my worried expression, so he asked me is everything okay. I just node.
Then everything went black.

Thootles pov:
I saw as Hiccup fall, then start to growl at teens and adults.I warp my tail around Hiccup, protectively. The dragons and teens start to back away and the women came closer.
"Don't worry we will only take you to your new home." she said. I think for a while and node.

Valkas pov:
Night Fury node. That's good he start trusting me a little.

At Berk( still Valkas pov) :
Home,sweet home. Viligare start to run towards us and were in shock when they saw Night Fury and .... my daughter. I'm so happy,  cause I could spend some time with her.

Felix pov ( three days later) :
We are on Berk and Hiccup still sleep. Night Fury doesn't want us near Hiccup. I can't wait for her to wake up. I wonder does she still likes me."What worried you, bro? "my sister asked.
"I wonder, does she still likes me. I mean like the like\like way? "
"Well if you want to know you have to ask her. I think she does I saw the way she looked you before. "
"Thanks for being there when I needed. " I said while smiling
"That's what siblings are for. "she hugged me and I hug her back.
A/N: Sorry I know it is short. I will write every week ,maybe even every third day.
Bye bye.

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