14. Idiot

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Dasom POV

Me and my friends were now playing dance dance revolution. On loud. We were getting slightly drunk, laughing, crying, making the dumbest of remarks and well of course dancing.

After a while, we died down and everyone was chilling either on the couch or on the carpet floor.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I grabbed my phone and went ahead upstairs to the bathroom. I took my phone out of my pocket as I sat on the toilet.

Suddenly, I got a call. It was Jiminie.

"Jiminie~~~" I said threw the phone happily. I heard him chuckled as he asked,

"So! Did he get it?"

"Who got what?" I asked kinda confused.

"What do you mean who? Jungkook! Isn't he at your house right now?"

"Why would he be?"

"He's getting it onnnnnnnnnnn!!!"

My eyes widened as I figured out what he was saying. I finished from the toilet and soon finished talking to Jimin.

I closed the phone and went to the front of Bora's room. The music was still playing loudly so it partially masked the sound of my footsteps.

I carefully opened the door of her room and listened carefully. What I heard next, didn't exactly shock me.

"Oh yes!!! Jungkook!!!!" I heard Bora yell from what seemed to be the closet. I gasped a little at how loud they were and stepped inside the room and closed the door as quietly as possible.

She kept moaning loudly and I could hear some of Jungkook's low grunts as well. I tiptoed to the closet and as I finally reached the handle, I didn't hesitate to immediately open the door.

"HOLY FUCK!!!" Jungkook yelled as he turned around and saw me standing there.

He fell backwards to the floor and basically let his member show.

It was quiet large, I have to admit.

"DASOM!!!" Bora yelled as she was half naked and barely able to stand.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration as I looked at both of them, "Get dressed. My friends are leaving, then we can talk."

I walked out of the room and closed the door. I went downstairs and waited patiently until my friends left one by one.

I sighed heavily and sat on the couch. "Jimin?"

"Yeah babe. What's wrong?"

"Can you come over?"

"Jungkook has my car.... Sorry babe."

I sighed and shrugged, "It's ok."

"I can come over tomorrow. I can maybe even... stay over for the night?"

I blushed a bright red at what he just said, "Seriously? Now? With all the ruckus happening with your fandom? No thank youuuuu park Jimin! Goodnight!"

"Pfftt ok goodnight princes dandelion."

I closed the phone and watched as Jungkook and Bora came inside the living room. I told them to sit down across from me and they did so.

"So... you guys had sex."

Bora immediately blushed deeply and so did Jungkook.

"Do what you guys want but I swear if you guys do it again when I have friends over, Jungkook." I pointed at him, "I will cut your dick off and you," I pointed at Bora, "I will stitch your pussy together."

"Duddeee!!!! That's gross man!!!" Bora complained while covering her area.

"Yeah yeah. Jungkook go home soon, I know namjoon's mad." I said to them while walking to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and went to sit in my bed. "Ah~" I sighed.

Suddenly, I began to think about Jimin... before I furthered my thoughts I jumped out of bed and ran toward Jungkook.

"Jungkook! Go give the keys to Jimin and tell him to get here as soon as possible! Go now!"

He hesitated until giving a kiss to Bora and literally running out of fear to his car.

I smiled and went back to my room, leaving Bora in confusion.

--20 Minutes Later--

I heard the doorbell ring. I sprinted from my room to the door and opened it swiftly. I was meeted by Jimin.

He smiled warmly and flipped his hair back like he usually does

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He smiled warmly and flipped his hair back like he usually does.

"I'm here princess." I chuckled and jumped in his arms. He laughed a little and walked inside while closing the door with his leg.

I embraced him deeply. He began to walk to my room, which he knew where it was.

"I missed you pabo..." I said to him, muffled through his sweater.

" me too." He gently placed me on the bed and climbed beside me. "Jimin... stay beside me tonight."

He nodded and cuddled with him deeply. "I will... I will."

Jungkook POV

"Wing man king Jungkook."

---------Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Cleared up the whole Jimin and Dasom thing. They are dating. So right now, Jungkook is back at the dorm and Jimin is now snuck out for the whole night. Hope everything goes swell.

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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