So have you ever held a secret inside and never told someone or and opinion that no body knew well I have a lot. If you want info on someone I know everything about everyone but you would never know until I told you. but most of the secrets I have are my own. That I have never told no body because I don't really trust people. But hey I'm going to confess now. Confession #1 I think that almost everybody are fake unless you are me, Kellin, or Kassidy because we don't hide who we are. Or be some body we are not. But Alexa and Emily hide who they are to get attention and what they want while we just be our selves. Confession #2 I think if you don't know me then you have no right to have my name in your mouth and I fell the same way for any one else if you don't know them then don't talk about them because you don't know their pain let alone mine. But I don't like how they can't talk about you to other people but not not to to your face. I mean like come on how much of a little kid can you get and tore of playing your kiddie games because I am above your level and I am more mature than you. But that is not the point. The point that I'm stating and I quote " before you start saying something about me make sure your perfect because the day that you have made no mistakes in you life I with call you god" so come on I dare you to admit your perfect, you can't can you because even you know your not so don't talk about anyone until your perfect. Confession #3 I think that the world is not bad it is the people in it. I mean if you really think about what has this would every did to us I mean Earth gives us so much a place to live, food, and we just tale advantage of it and when we are mad at people who do we blame the world and it is just wrong. People on this planet are just going to kill each other and the human race and I would not be surprised if that happens to us. Confession #4 The truth will set you free. Admit it you know somebody living a lie and you know it is the truth but when you stand up and say it is a lie know one believes you cause you are speaking the truth and don't live a lie like everyone else that is why they hate you . Confession #5 I'm scarred all over I started when I was 13 in the 8th grade and haven't stop since I write poems about self harm this is the newest one
Hi old best friend
Do you remember me your parents told you not to play with me at the age of 3
Remember the first time you vented to me you were 13 and loved seeing your self bleed
Remember how I keep all your secrets and love all your drawings
But darling the scars are showing and sadly you are slowly going
I was your best friend from the beginning
But sadly our friendship was deadly cause I brought you to your end
I'm sorry to say good by my dear friend .
Kelvins pov
Confession I am in love with Klaire I will sing to her just to know it I know what songs to a match into water and disasterology by ptv